Travel study trip to England teaches sport marketing

In May 2023, 15 undergraduate business students traveled to England on a travel study trip to learn about the business of sports. Dr. Susan Myrden, Associate Professor of Marketing, and Dr. Jason Harkins, Executive Dean of the Maine Business School, led the 9-day trip to Manchester and London. 

“I decided to go on the trip because I wanted to experience the business side of some of the world’s most successful sports teams,” says Mallory Lufkin, a marketing and sport management double major from Brandon, VT. Along with the excitement of seeing the sports facilities, some students were eager to travel abroad. “I had never left the country before and always had an interest in traveling to England,” says Jameson Treadwell from Auburn, ME. “When the opportunity came up to go to England and have an experience targeted towards my major, I couldn’t pass it up!”

Dr. Susan Myrden firmly believes in the importance of studying abroad. During her undergrad, she participated in study abroad in France and Scotland. She also interned abroad in London, England, and The Netherlands. “It’s so important for young people to be exposed to other cultures for personal growth,” Dr. Myrden says. “This trip showcased sport businesses in England and allowed students to experience a bit of what life is like in a foreign country.”

The group spent the first three days in Manchester, England, touring the Premier League football teams Manchester United and Manchester City stadiums. They took in a game at Manchester United, getting an authentic feel for the sport. “Getting to tour and meet with Manchester United, then experiencing the game day environment with this group of business students, was absolutely amazing,” Treadwell says. Noah Chretien, a marketing and management double major from Shapleigh, ME, agreed. “This class was a great way for me to meet people and make friendships to carry into my future years at MBS,” he says.  

On day four, the group traveled to London for the second half of their trip. A highlight was their visit to the National Football League (NFL) London headquarters. “Our visit to the NFL headquarters was my favorite part of the trip,” Lufkin says. She was impressed by an American woman from their marketing department who previously worked in the NFL headquarters in New York City. “Her experiences inspired me,” Lufkin says. “I’m interested in taking a similar career path and working in a foreign country one day.” 

The NFL headquarters on the top floor of a modern 8-story building offered a 360-degree view of central London. The space was filled with jerseys and helmets of American football teams. The NFL is expanding its presence within the UK and working on youth development within high schools and colleges. 

Students also visited Harrods, the iconic London department store, and enjoyed a proper British afternoon tea. The group explored the city’s neighborhoods, visited British landmarks such as the London Tower Bridge and SOHO, and watched the changing of the guards at Buckingham Palace.

“On this trip, I learned a lot about the international sports industries, as well as myself and what I want to do as a career,” Lufkin says. “I will take the knowledge I gained from this experience to heart as I plan my future.”  

Written by: Kaitlin Halle, Junior,  Finance major with a concentration in International Business, from Old Orchard Beach, ME