Nadège Levallet, Ph.D.

Dr. Nadège Levallet is an Associate Professor of Management and Information Systems in the Maine Business School. She earned her Ph.D. in management information systems at the Smith School of Business (Queen’s University, Canada). Her research lies at the intersection of digital technologies, strategy and innovation in small and medium organizations. She is especially interested in examining organizational responses to discontinuity events using digital resources. Nadège also studies research approaches, and especially qualitative comparative analysis. Her work has been published in internationally renowned outlets, including journals such as Information Systems Research, European Journal of Information Systems, Journal of Small Business Management, Journal of Knowledge Management, and MIS Quarterly Executive. Prior to joining academia, she spent more than a decade in progressive management positions in various private and public organizations in Canada and France.


  • Ph.D., Management Information Systems, Smith School of Business, Queen’s University, Canada (2014)
  • MBA, Telfer School of Business, University of Ottawa, Canada (1999)
  • Diplôme d’Études Supérieures en Management (DESMA), Grenoble École de Management, France (1999)

Teaching Areas

  • Information Systems
  • Strategy

Research Interests

  • Organizational improvisation capability
  • Digital strategy
  • Digital innovation
  • Dynamic capabilities and digital capabilities
  • Small and medium organizations
  • Qualitative comparative analysis

Dr. Levallet’s CV

Research Publications

  • Choi, E., Levallet, N., & Bharti, M. (2024 ahead of print). “Mindfulness and Psychological Capital: Examining the Role of Intention from the Person Perspective in a Multi-week Mindfulness Training Program”, Personnel Review.
  • Levallet, N., Ahuja, S. & Wood, C. (2024). “Agility and improvisation in Ontario’s craft breweries: Capabilities for constraints-based innovation”, Journal of Small Business Management (62:4), 1865-1906.
  • Finch, D., Levallet, N., McIntyre, S., and Pyde, K. (2023) “What makes a product manager? A dynamic capabilities view of product management”, International Journal of Product Development (27:3), 213-244.
  • Finch, D.J., Levallet, N., Saunders, C., Field, E., Ribeiro, J., Raby, S., Roberts, M., Uzoka, F.-M., and Campbell, A. (2023), “A dynamic capability view of career adaptation: an exploratory study”, Education + Training (65:5), 769-789.
  • Levallet, N., Finch, D., Mccaffery, T., Espinoza, A, & Raby, S. (2023). “A dynamic management capabilities view of small to medium-sized enterprise export readiness”, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business (48:4), 359-388.
  • Finch, D., O’Reilly, N, Levallet, N. & Mikkelson, A. (2023). “A dynamic capabilities view of the NBA and esports”, International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, (23:1-2), 62-79.
  • Hasani, T., Rezania, D., Levallet, N., O’Reilly, N., Mohammadi, M., (2023). “Privacy enhancing technology adoption and its impact on SMEs’ performance”, International Journal of Engineering Business Management (15), 1-26.
  • Finch, D., Abeza, G., O’Reilly, N., Nadeau, J., Levallet, N. Legg, D. & Foster W.M. (2022). “Season ticket holder segmentation in professional sports: An application of the sport relationship marketing model”, International Journal of Sport Marketing and Sponsorship (23:1),110-131.
  • Finch, D.J., O’Reilly, N., Legg, D., LevalletN. and Fody, E. (2022), “So you want to work in sports? An exploratory study of sport business employability”, Sport, Business and Management (12: 2), 117-134.
  • Levallet N. & Chan, Y.E. (2022). “Uncovering a new form of digitally-enabled agility: An improvisational perspective”, European Journal of Information Systems.
  • Li, T., Chan, Y.E. & Levallet, N. (2022). “Leveraging digital platforms for strategic advantage: Lessons learned from Instacart”, MIS Quarterly Executive (21:3), 227-239
  • O’Reilly, N., Finch, D., Abeza, G., Levallet, N., Nadeau, J., Legg, D., Foster, W.M., & Blake, C. (2022) “Segmentation of season ticket holders in minor league North American professional sport”, Sport Innovation Journal (3:1), 16-29
  • Levallet N., Denford, J.S., & Chan, Y.E. (2021). “Following the MAP (methods, approaches, perspectives) in IS research“, Information Systems Research (32:1), 130-146 (FT50 journal)
  • Dorland, AM., Finch, D., Levallet, N., Raby, S., Ross, S. & Winston, A (2020). “An entrepreneurial view of universal work-integrated learning”, Education + Training (62:4), 393-411
  • Naraine, M.L., O’Reilly N., Levallet, N. & Wanless, E. (2020). “If you build it, will they log on? Wi-Fi usage and behavior while attending National Basketball Association games”, Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal (10:2), 207-226
  • Levallet, N., & Chan, Y.E. (2019). “Organizational knowledge retention and knowledge loss”, Journal of Knowledge Management (23:1), 176-199.
  • Levallet N., & Chan, Y.E. (2018). “Role of digital capabilities in unleashing the power of managerial improvisation”, MIS Quarterly Executive (17:1), 1-21
  • Finch, D, Peacock, M., Levallet N. & Foster W.M. (2016). “A dynamic capabilities view of employability: exploring the drivers of competitive advantage for university graduates”, Education + Training, 58(1), 61-81.
  • Pegoraro, A., O’Reilly, N., & Levallet, N. (2009). “Gender-based sponsorship of grassroots events as an agent of corporate social responsibility: The case of a national women’s triathlon series”, Journal of Sponsorship (now Journal of Brand Strategy), 2(2), 140-151

Teaching Cases

  • Levallet, N., Wood, C. & Ahuja, S. (2024). Wellington Brewery : Décision de croissance sur un marché engorgé (Wellington Brewery: Growth decision in a crowded beer market – French version). Ivey ID W37632. London, Canada: Ivey Publishing.
  • Levallet, N., Wood, C. & Ahuja, S. (2021). Wellington Brewery: Growth Decision in a Crowded Beer Market. Ivey ID 9B21M043. London, Canada: Ivey Publishing. Honorable mention at the 2020 Concordia University’s John Molson Business Case Competition
  • Levallet, N., O’Reilly, N., Wanless E., Naraine, M.L., Alkon, E., & Longmire, W. (2019). “Enhancing the fan experience at live sporting events: The case of stadium wi-fi”, Case Studies in Sport Management (8:1), 6-12.

Conference Presentations

  • Bulgurcu, B., Levallet, N. & Mashatan, A.  (2024). “Implications of organizational governance on cybersecurity management: A case study in higher education”. Accepted at the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) 2024, Paphos, Cyprus, June 2024
  • Levallet, N., Zheng, Q., Adedara, L. (2023). “Technologically-enabled innovation in aquaculture: An organizational perspective of Maine’s oyster sector”, accepted at the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) 2023 Conference, Toronto, ON (June 2023).
  • Zheng, Q., Levallet, N., Yang, W., Davis, C.V. (2023). “Consumer valuation of aquaculture product attribute improvements by technologically-enabled innovation: The case of Maine oysters”, Accepted at Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA) 2023 Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, July 2023.
  • Levallet, N. (June 2022). Data science for organizational responses in times of discontinuity”. Accepted at Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) 2022 Conference (Halifax, NS)
  • Levallet, N. & Ahuja, S. (2021). “Constraints Make the Beer Richer: Agility and Improvisation for Innovativeness in Ontario’s Craft Brewery Industry”. Accepted at Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) 2021 Conference (virtual conference due to COVID-19). Best Paper Award Recipient, Strategy Division
  • Lever, M. & Levallet, N. (equal contribution) (2020). “Once upon a time: Informing the dynamic capabilities literature using a temporal focus of improvisation” Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) Conference (virtual conference due to COVID-19)
  • Finch, D., Levallet, N., McIntyre, S. & Pyde, K. (2019). “A dynamic capabilities view of product management”, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) Conference, St. Catharines, ON
  • O’Reilly, N., Finch, D., Abeza, G., Legg, D., Nadeau, J., Levallet, N. & Foster, W.M. (2019). “The segmentation of professional sport club season ticket holders: engagement, purchase drivers and renewal”, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) Conference, St. Catharines, ON. Best Paper Award Recipient, Tourism and Sport Management Division
  • Levallet, N. & Chan, Y.E. (2017). “Strategic improvisation capability: a research framework”, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) Conference, Montréal, QC, May 2017, 195
  • Levallet, N. & Chan, Y.E. (2016). “IT capabilities and strategic improvisation: a multi-method investigation”, 22nd Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2016), San Diego, CA, August 2016, 1-10
  • Levallet, N. & Chan, Y.E. (2015). “Using IT to unleash the power of strategic improvisation”, 36th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2015), Fort Worth, TX, December 2015, 1-18
  • Finch, D, Peacock, M., Levallet N. & Foster W.M. (2015). “A dynamic capabilities view of employability: exploring the drivers of competitive advantage for university graduates”, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) Conference, Halifax, NS. Honourable Mention Award Recipient, Management Education Division
  • Levallet, N. & Chan, Y.E. (2013). “Organizational knowledge: Transfer and retention”, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) Conference, Calgary, AB, June 2013, 25-29
  • Levallet, N. & Zou, Yi (2012). “An integrative view of agile ISD approach and principles”, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) Conference, St John’s, NL, June 2012, 308-338
  • Levallet, N. (2011). “The effect of task-oriented and people-oriented leadership styles on knowledge sharing: A meta-analysis”, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) Conference, Montreal, QC, July 2011, 174-192