The Advanced Research Computing, Security, and Information Management (ARCSIM) unit, part of the University of Maine’s (UMaine) Coordinated Operating Research Entities (CORE), works to support the entire University of Maine System research community and its collaborators by providing resources and sourcing solutions tailored to researchers’ specific needs.

ARCSIM (formerly Advanced Research Computing – ARC) was formed in May 2019 to extend research computing services to University researchers. In May 2021, ARCSIM was expanded to include Information Management and Data Security services.

A network of partners has been established, including partners that are capable of providing advanced, cloud-based computing solutions, such as the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) and the Ohio Supercomputer Center. National supercomputer centers provide researchers with access to massively parallel computing platforms, often eliminating the need for expensive local resources.

Customer Success Highlights

2023 Example – HPC and Data Storage for Genomics Research:  Dr. Pauline Kamath – Associate Professor of Animal Health, UM conducts research on the dynamics of infection diseases among wildlife, and has utilized HPC and data storage resources through ARCSIM partnerships with Ohio Supercomputing Center (OSC) to accelerate research projects being done by students and post-docs in lab. This work was recently recognized in a yearly research reports press release of exceptional researchers utilizing OSC resources. Access to OSC’s OnDemand interface has allowed undergraduates in her lab to use HPC without the steep learning curve. “Special Partnership provides University Maine faculty, staff and students with OSC’s computing power” – OSC press release

2023 Example – UMaine / USM Data Management Software Implementation:  The ARCSIM Research Information Management team recently provided technical implementation consulting for the University of Southern Maine (USM) and the Office of Research Administration (ORA) at the University of Maine (UMaine) during the launch of a new grant management system called Kuali Research. Kuali will connect UMaine and the University of Southern Maine (USM) by using the same platform, which will enhance inter-campus collaborations.

2023 Example – Data Security and Data Use Agreement with the Maine Dept. of Labor:  Dr. Lois-Ann Kuntz – Professor of Psychology, UMM, and Doctoral Candidate Emily Scarpulla Raymond worked with ARCSIM Security to meet their Data Use Agreement requirements from the Maine Department of Labor. “We’re so grateful for the many hours of support ARCSIM has dedicated to this security case and special thanks to Melissa Kimble for her dedication and patience.”

For more news and outreach related information, please visit our news page to learn more about researchers and labs who have utilized ARCSIM resources to expand their research needs.