Super Computing 2020 (SC20) conference goes virtual
According to UMaine Advanced Research Computing (ARC) team member, Kevin Wentworth, SC20 is one of the largest super computing conferences in the world. And this year, those who may otherwise be unable to attend, have an opportunity to experience this year’s workshops and presentations, which will be entirely virtual.
“After months of hard work by the SC20 Planning Committee, we are thrilled to announce that SC20 will be a fully virtual conference,” writes Christine E. Cuicchi, SC20’s General Chair. “As we began exploring how to bring our conference to life in a digital environment, we had the option to go big or go home. We’ve chosen to go big. The vast majority of our usual conference content will be shared during our virtual event in November.”
Registration began August 21, 2020. Early registration closes October 19, 2020. For more information regarding the conference’s schedule, registration, fees, and more, you can visit the conferences FAQ page.