Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) announces Frontera allocation tracks
The Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) has announced the opening of the third Frontera Pathways and Frontera Large Scale Community Partnership (LSCP) allocation tracks. Resources available for request include Frontera and its GPU subsystem, as well as the Longhorn GPU resource. TACC will be accepting proposals for these allocation tracks through August 15, 2020:
These are small allocations (between 10,000-250,000 SUs per year) to science teams with a strong scientific justification for access to a leadership-class computing resource, but who have not yet demonstrated code readiness to effectively utilize such a resource.
These are allocations (between 25,000-1,000,000 SUs per year, up to 3 years) where we can’t strictly characterize the set of experiments to run within a 12-month allocation period, but that line up with a large team or community, a large instrument, or other large National Science Foundation (NSF) investment.
Detailed descriptions of all Frontera allocation tracks can be found on the Frontera Allocations web page.
How to Submit an Allocation Request
Please begin by reading the Allocations Policy & Submission Guidelines that provides information regarding who is eligible to apply, minimum and maximum allocation sizes, and an outline of the information that is required to be included in your proposal.
After reading the allocations policy and guidelines, you may determine that a startup allocation would be beneficial to do code performance and benchmarking to be incorporated into your Pathways or LSCP proposal. Instructions for obtaining a Startup allocation are included on the policy & guidelines web page.