Payment Options
Advanced Pay
Veterans may apply for advance payment of educational benefits before the start of the term. This must be done at least 30 days prior to the start of classes but not more than 120 days in advance.
Advance payment will include two months of payments and the student will not receive further benefits until the end of the third month. Benefits are normally paid at the end of the month for the preceding month. You must seek assistance from the V.E.T.S. Office to take advantage of advanced pay.
Verification of Enrollment
Chapter 30 and 1606/1607 students are required to verify school attendance on the last calendar day of each month. This verification is completed on W.A.V. E., Web Automated Verification of Enrollment. Failure to verify will result in no monthly stipend check until verification. Verification can be done at W.A.V.E. or by phone at 1.877.823.2378.
University Bill Payment
Some VA Educational Benefits are paid to the student. In these cases it is the student’s responsibility to pay the University for services and supplies. The Bursar’s Office offers several installment plans to pay for tuition. Please contact the Bursar’s Office for further details.
Direct Deposit
Direct deposit of VA benefits (paid directly to the student) is available. Contact the VA Regional Office, Buffalo, at 1.877.838.2778.