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Learning non-visual graphical information using a touch-based vibro-audio interface2012Proceedings of the 14th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (Assets'12)Giudice, N.A.
Palani, H.
Brenner, E.
Kramer, K.M.
Sensory substitution of vision:Importance of perceptual and cognitive processing2012Assistive Technology for Blindness and Low VisionLoomis, J.M.
Klatzky, R.L.
Giudice, N.A.
Using mobile 3D visualization techniques to facilitate multi-level cognitive map development of complex indoor spaces2012Proceedings of the international Workshop on Spatial Knowledge Acquisition with Limited Information Displays (SKALID'12)Li, H.
Giudice, N.A.
Indoor scene knowledge acquisition using a natural language interface2012Proceedings of the international Workshop on Spatial Knowledge Acquisition with Limited Information Displays (SKALID'12)Kesavan, S.
Giudice, N.A.
Assessment of Audio Interfaces for Use in Smartphone Based Spatial Learning Systems for the Blind2012Jain, S.
Details-on-demand Mobile Visual Interface for Facilitating Indoor Wayfinding20127th Annual GIScience Conference
Li, H.
Giudice, N.A.
Spatial working memory for locations specified by vision and audition: Testing the amodality hypothesis2012Attention, Perception, & PsychophysicsLoomis, J.M.
Klatzky, R.L.
McHugh, B.
Giudice, N.A.
The development and validation of a new smartphone based non-visual spatial interface for learning indoor layouts2011Unpublished Master's ThesisRaja, M.K.
Haptic experiences influence visual memories: Reference frames during multimodal spatial learning2011Psychonomic Bulletin & ReviewKelly, J.W.
Avraamides, M.V.
Giudice, N.A.
Towards a theory of spatial assistance from a phenomenological perspective2011Extended Poster Abstracts from the Conference on Spatial Information Theory (COSIT'11)Jacobson, K.E.
Giudice, N.A.
Moratz, R.
Modality independent coding of spatial layout in the human brain2011Current BiologyWolbers, T.
Loomis, J.M.
Klatzky, R.L.
Wutte, M.
Giudice, N.A.
Decoding the direction of auditory motion in blind humans2011NeuroimageWolbers, T.
Zahorik, P.
Giudice, N.A.
Functional Equivalence of Spatial Images from Touch and Vision: Evidence from Spatial Updating in Blind and Sighted Individuals2011Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and CognitionGiudice, N.A.
Betty, M.R.
Loomis, J.M.
The informatics of indoor and outdoor space: A research agenda2010Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Indoor Spatial Awareness (ISA 2010)Giudice, N.A.
Walton, L.A
Worboys, M.
Establishing and maintaining orientation for mobility2010Foundations of Orientation and Mobility: History and TheoryLong, R.G.
Giudice, N.A.
The Efficacy of Virtual Spatialized Audio for Perceiving and Remembering Azimuths of Auditory Targets2010Cuddy, K.M.
Spatial learning and navigation using a virtual verbal display2010ACM Transactions on Applied PerceptionGiudice, N.A.
Bakdash, J.Z.
Legge, G.E.
Roy, R.
Evidence for amodal representations after bimodal learning: Integration of haptic-visual layouts into a common spatial image2009Spatial Cognition & ComputationGiudice, N.A.
Klatzky, R.L.
Loomis, J.M.
Learning with virtual verbal displays: Effects of interface fidelity on cognitive map development2008Spatial cognition VI: Lecture notes in artificial intelligenceGiudice, N.A.
Tietz, J.D.
An indoor navigation system to support the visually impaired2008Proceedings of the 30th annual IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology conferenceRiehle, T.H.
Lichter, P.A.
Giudice, N.A.
Blind navigation and the role of technology2008Engineering handbook of smart technology for aging, disability, and independenceGiudice, N.A.
Legge, G.E.
Environmental learning without vision: Effects of cognitive load on interface design2008Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Low VisionGiudice, N.A.
Marston, J.R.
Klatzky, R.L.
Loomis, J.M.
Golledge, R.G.
Learning building layouts with non-geometric visual information: The effects of visual impairment and age2008PerceptionKalia, A.
Legge, G.E.
Giudice, N.A.
An n-back task using vibrotactile stimulation with comparison to an auditory analogue2007Behavior Research MethodsKlatzky, R.L.
Giudice, N.A.
Tietz, J.D.
Marston, J.R.
Golledge, R.G.
Loomis, J.M.
Wayfinding with words: Spatial learning and navigation using dynamically-updated verbal descriptions2007Psychological ResearchGiudice, N.A.
Bakdash, J.Z.
Legge, G.E.
Cognitive Load of Navigating Without Vision When Guided by Virtual Sound Versus Spatial Language2006Journal of Experimental Psychology: AppliedKlatzky, R.L.
Marston, J.R.
Giudice, N.A.
Golledge, R.G.
Loomis, J.M.
Wayfinding without Vision: Learning Real and Virtual Environments Using Dynamically-Updated Verbal Descriptions2006Conference on Assistive Technologies for Vision and Hearing ImpairmentGiudice, N.A.
Digital Sign System for Indoor Wayfinding for the Visually Impaired2005Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) – WorkshopsTjan, B.S.
Beckmann, P.J.
Roy, R.
Giudice, N.A.
Legge, G.E.
Navigating Novel Environments: A Comparison of Verbal and Visual Learning2004Giudice, N.A.
Tactile vision: Neuroimaging and brain-reorganization in the Blind: Implications for learning and adaptive-technology2002Seventeenth Annual CSUN International Conference on Technology and Persons with DisabilitiesGiudice, N.A.