Title | Publication Date | Publication Name | Publication Type | Author(s) |
Learning non-visual graphical information using a touch-based vibro-audio interface | 2012 | Proceedings of the 14th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (Assets'12) | Refereed Conferences | Giudice, N.A. Palani, H. Brenner, E. Kramer, K.M. |
Sensory substitution of vision:Importance of perceptual and cognitive processing | 2012 | Assistive Technology for Blindness and Low Vision | Book Chapters | Loomis, J.M. Klatzky, R.L. Giudice, N.A. |
Using mobile 3D visualization techniques to facilitate multi-level cognitive map development of complex indoor spaces | 2012 | Proceedings of the international Workshop on Spatial Knowledge Acquisition with Limited Information Displays (SKALID'12) | Refereed Conferences | Li, H. Giudice, N.A. |
Indoor scene knowledge acquisition using a natural language interface | 2012 | Proceedings of the international Workshop on Spatial Knowledge Acquisition with Limited Information Displays (SKALID'12) | Refereed Conferences | Kesavan, S. Giudice, N.A. |
Assessment of Audio Interfaces for Use in Smartphone Based Spatial Learning Systems for the Blind | 2012 | | Theses and Unpublished Work | Jain, S. |
Details-on-demand Mobile Visual Interface for Facilitating Indoor Wayfinding | 2012 | 7th Annual GIScience Conference | Conference Proceedings Refereed Conferences | Li, H. Giudice, N.A. |
Spatial working memory for locations specified by vision and audition: Testing the amodality hypothesis | 2012 | Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics | Peer Reviewed Journal Articles | Loomis, J.M. Klatzky, R.L. McHugh, B. Giudice, N.A. |
The development and validation of a new smartphone based non-visual spatial interface for learning indoor layouts | 2011 | Unpublished Master's Thesis | Theses and Unpublished Work | Raja, M.K. |
Haptic experiences influence visual memories: Reference frames during multimodal spatial learning | 2011 | Psychonomic Bulletin & Review | Peer Reviewed Journal Articles | Kelly, J.W. Avraamides, M.V. Giudice, N.A. |
Towards a theory of spatial assistance from a phenomenological perspective | 2011 | Extended Poster Abstracts from the Conference on Spatial Information Theory (COSIT'11) | Refereed Conferences | Jacobson, K.E. Giudice, N.A. Moratz, R. |
Modality independent coding of spatial layout in the human brain | 2011 | Current Biology | Peer Reviewed Journal Articles | Wolbers, T. Loomis, J.M. Klatzky, R.L. Wutte, M. Giudice, N.A. |
Decoding the direction of auditory motion in blind humans | 2011 | Neuroimage | Peer Reviewed Journal Articles | Wolbers, T. Zahorik, P. Giudice, N.A. |
Functional Equivalence of Spatial Images from Touch and Vision: Evidence from Spatial Updating in Blind and Sighted Individuals | 2011 | Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition | Peer Reviewed Journal Articles | Giudice, N.A. Betty, M.R. Loomis, J.M. |
The informatics of indoor and outdoor space: A research agenda | 2010 | Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Indoor Spatial Awareness (ISA 2010) | Refereed Conferences | Giudice, N.A. Walton, L.A Worboys, M. |
Establishing and maintaining orientation for mobility | 2010 | Foundations of Orientation and Mobility: History and Theory | Book Chapters | Long, R.G. Giudice, N.A. |
The Efficacy of Virtual Spatialized Audio for Perceiving and Remembering Azimuths of Auditory Targets | 2010 | | Theses and Unpublished Work | Cuddy, K.M. |
Spatial learning and navigation using a virtual verbal display | 2010 | ACM Transactions on Applied Perception | Peer Reviewed Journal Articles | Giudice, N.A. Bakdash, J.Z. Legge, G.E. Roy, R. |
Evidence for amodal representations after bimodal learning: Integration of haptic-visual layouts into a common spatial image | 2009 | Spatial Cognition & Computation | Peer Reviewed Journal Articles | Giudice, N.A. Klatzky, R.L. Loomis, J.M. |
Learning with virtual verbal displays: Effects of interface fidelity on cognitive map development | 2008 | Spatial cognition VI: Lecture notes in artificial intelligence | Refereed Conferences | Giudice, N.A. Tietz, J.D. |
An indoor navigation system to support the visually impaired | 2008 | Proceedings of the 30th annual IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology conference | Refereed Conferences | Riehle, T.H. Lichter, P.A. Giudice, N.A. |
Blind navigation and the role of technology | 2008 | Engineering handbook of smart technology for aging, disability, and independence | Book Chapters | Giudice, N.A. Legge, G.E. |
Environmental learning without vision: Effects of cognitive load on interface design | 2008 | Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Low Vision | Refereed Conferences | Giudice, N.A. Marston, J.R. Klatzky, R.L. Loomis, J.M. Golledge, R.G. |
Learning building layouts with non-geometric visual information: The effects of visual impairment and age | 2008 | Perception | Peer Reviewed Journal Articles | Kalia, A. Legge, G.E. Giudice, N.A. |
An n-back task using vibrotactile stimulation with comparison to an auditory analogue | 2007 | Behavior Research Methods | Peer Reviewed Journal Articles | Klatzky, R.L. Giudice, N.A. Tietz, J.D. Marston, J.R. Golledge, R.G. Loomis, J.M. |
Wayfinding with words: Spatial learning and navigation using dynamically-updated verbal descriptions | 2007 | Psychological Research | Peer Reviewed Journal Articles | Giudice, N.A. Bakdash, J.Z. Legge, G.E. |
Cognitive Load of Navigating Without Vision When Guided by Virtual Sound Versus Spatial Language | 2006 | Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied | Peer Reviewed Journal Articles | Klatzky, R.L. Marston, J.R. Giudice, N.A. Golledge, R.G. Loomis, J.M. |
Wayfinding without Vision: Learning Real and Virtual Environments Using Dynamically-Updated Verbal Descriptions | 2006 | Conference on Assistive Technologies for Vision and Hearing Impairment | Refereed Conferences | Giudice, N.A. |
Digital Sign System for Indoor Wayfinding for the Visually Impaired | 2005 | Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) – Workshops | Refereed Conferences | Tjan, B.S. Beckmann, P.J. Roy, R. Giudice, N.A. Legge, G.E. |
Navigating Novel Environments: A Comparison of Verbal and Visual Learning | 2004 | | Theses and Unpublished Work | Giudice, N.A. |
Tactile vision: Neuroimaging and brain-reorganization in the Blind: Implications for learning and adaptive-technology | 2002 | Seventeenth Annual CSUN International Conference on Technology and Persons with Disabilities | Refereed Conferences | Giudice, N.A. |