Ignorance is Bliss – A Study into the Perception of Cleanliness of Touchscreen Devices
Published: 2020
Publication Name: Ignorance is Bliss - A Study into the Perception of Cleanliness of Touchscreen Devices
Touchscreen devices have become commonplace in modern public lives. The prevalence of self-checkout stands and ticket kiosks has increased the chance of transmitting pathogens through touch. Due to this increase, the cleanliness of touchscreen devices must be taken into account. The observed cleanliness of a device is determined by many factors, such as visual cues as well as tactile feeling. However, the impact of these factors on user interaction with touchscreen devices warrants further investigation. Accordingly, this study examines the ways by which participants determine the cleanliness of a device to identify the strongest factors that persuade touchscreen interaction and use.
Erikson, T., Blackwood E., Nygaard, A., & Evangelista, A. (2020). Ignorance is bliss: A study into the perception of cleanliness of touchscreen devices. VEMI Student Publications, 1. http://dx.doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.21389.28643