Publications by Author
Author: Giudice, N.A.
Publications:- 2008 Environmental learning without vision: Effects of cognitive load on interface design
- 2008 Learning building layouts with non-geometric visual information: The effects of visual impairment and age
- 2007 An n-back task using vibrotactile stimulation with comparison to an auditory analogue
- 2007 Wayfinding with words: Spatial learning and navigation using dynamically-updated verbal descriptions
- 2006 Cognitive Load of Navigating Without Vision When Guided by Virtual Sound Versus Spatial Language
- 2006 Wayfinding without Vision: Learning Real and Virtual Environments Using Dynamically-Updated Verbal Descriptions
- 2005 Digital Sign System for Indoor Wayfinding for the Visually Impaired
- 2004 Navigating Novel Environments: A Comparison of Verbal and Visual Learning
- 2002 Tactile vision: Neuroimaging and brain-reorganization in the Blind: Implications for learning and adaptive-technology