An indoor navigation system that works for all ages

Dr. Giudice and collaborators publish new paper on indoor navigation. The research investigated the use of a speech-based navigation system and the role of memory in how route information is provided to the user. Results showed similar navigation performance between sighted and blind users of the system and for the first time, showed that older adults with visual impairment were as effective using the system as their younger peers. As most vision loss is age-related, these results provide important evidence that new information access technologies can work as effectively for older users. The article, published in the Transactions on Accessible Computing (TACCESS), is relevant to researchers/developers interested in multimodal navigation systems across the lifespan and the role of memory and perception in accessible interface design.


Giudice, N. A., Guenther, B. A., Kaplan, T. M., Anderson, S. M., Knuesel, R. J., & Cioffi, J. F. (2020). Use of an Indoor navigation system by sighted and blind travelers: Performance Similarities across visual status and age. Transactions on Accessible Computing, 13(3), Article 11, 1-27. DOI: 10.1145/3407191

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