Student raising their hand in class

About the Program

The Bachelor of University Studies (B.U.S.) is UMaine’s degree completion program for busy adults. Many adults with higher education experience who have not completed​​ their bachelor’s degree find that life circumstances or interests make traditional, full-time study difficult. The B.U.S. program is available part-time, on-campus, and online to accommodate this need for flexibility.

Contact Us

Have questions about the Bachelor of University Studies? Contact an advisor.

Photo of Tessa Smith

Tessa Smith, M.S.

UMaineOnline Advisor



The B.U.S. program allows students to develop a program of study that encompasses their interests and maximizes their existing transfer credits.

Students must earn at least 30 credits originating from the University of Maine with at least 15 credits at the 300 level or higher.

  1. Written Communication: Students will demonstrate practical writing skills across different audiences.
    • Uses relevant content to demonstrate expertise in the subject matter.
Explores ideas within the content that expand the framework.
Effectively communicates the thesis complexities by using research findings.
  2. Critical Thinking: Students will demonstrate critical thinking skills by addressing various issues.
    • Uses credible sources to convey subject insights.
    • Analyzes and evaluates the existing sources to support relevant points as a whole.
    • Explains the importance of relationships and how they support real-world outcomes.
  3. Lifelong Learning: Students will build on their prior knowledge and create further educational directions.
Uses prior experience as a foundation to understand core beliefs and explore educational direction.
    • Uses self-reflection to ascertain important points germane to developing a professional direction.
    • Defends a claim/ belief not previously part of the learning process and develops it to create an expanded understanding.

In addition to the UMaine general education requirements, the following courses are required (7 credits):

  • UST 100: Introduction to the Bachelor of University Studies (1 credit)*
    Six-week course
  • UST 300: Core Course in University Studies (3 credits)*
    Meets upper-level Writing Intensive General Education requirement 
  • UST 499: Senior Capstone (3 credits)*
    Meets General Education Capstone requirement

*Available online

With its multiple track options, the B.U.S. program provides an opportunity for students who would benefit from an individually designed interdisciplinary program of study and students who would prefer a more prescribed curriculum.


The program is designed for individuals who have discontinued college or university programs and wish to finish their degree. The B.U.S. is also for those who do not desire to commit to a single academic area to declare a major. With a carefully designed study plan, a student may use the B.U.S. to pursue scholarly interests in relative depth and gain some exposure to other areas.

The B.U.S. differs in two significant respects from traditional B.A. and B.S. degrees:

  1. In consultation with a B.U.S. advisor, each student will design a program to help them achieve their educational goals.
  2. This degree is designed to be flexible and adaptable to individual students’ needs.

Our graduates are prepared for several paths, including pursuing new career opportunities and graduate school. The purpose of the degree is to complement the student’s interests and career goals, including pursuing a graduate degree.

Credits from other institutions may be transferred if earned at a regionally accredited institution or from educational programs recognized by the University of Maine System. A B.U.S. advisor can provide further details about transferability.

Contact Us

Photo of Tessa Smith

Tessa Smith, M.S.

UMaineOnline Advisor


Often, adults enter or re-enter UMaine after years in the workforce, the military, and a wealth of other life experiences. In recognition of the skills and learning obtained in these areas, UMaine offers a variety of CPL options, including a portfolio review, CLEP and DANTES exams, and military credits. To learn more, visit