Shawn’s Story

photo of Shawn Smith

Returning to college after so many years was quite a decision to commit to. However, once I met with my B.U.S. adviser and went through my old transcripts, I was amazed at how easy it was to enroll and begin classes again. Once classes started, I quickly realized that they are structured to be very flexible, as long as I met each weekly deadline. I have even taken two accelerated classes so far during Summer University and Winter Session.

Although that was an everyday commitment and a lot of work, it was very manageable. I chose the Leadership Track, which fits nicely with my career. I have taken six classes and have enjoyed every one of them. As a 47-year-old, I have a different perspective on issues, which makes a difference in my classwork and reaching my degree goal.

I can’t thank the B.U.S. faculty and staff enough for helping me get started and answering my questions along the way. This is an excellent program. I am thrilled to have this opportunity to be part of the University of Maine once again.

– Shawn S.