Island Falls Opera House Success Story

An old Opera House, holding a variety of history, still stands tall in the small town of Island Falls, ME. The 127-year-old structure is currently undergoing renovations by Chris Hartin and his family.
After moving to Island Falls in 2003, Hartin grew up curious about the Opera House and the potential it might hold for the community. It was this childhood vision that led to the decision to renovate the house and open it back up for the public’s enjoyment.
The spacious layout and the long-recorded history of the building were two factors that quickly drew Hartin in. Built in 1894, the first floor of the Opera House was used for town meetings and large events such as graduations, but after being closed down officially in the 60’s with small events held here and there, renovations were key in preserving the House.
Hartin thus decided the Opera House was a perfect opportunity to use his heating business, Hartins Heating, to help in the process of further preserving it. “I basked in the greatness of what I imagined the place once was and once again could be. Knowing someone had lived there for a period of time left me awestruck and even more curious as to what the house could provide for the community,” Hartin described.
When the Island Falls community heard about the renovations, they were very excited to know the Opera House would continue to stand. The Opera House was officially put on the National Register of Historical Places in 1984; this was only a short time after they declared the Opera House under private ownership with some minor renovations already underway.

“There were several duplicates or varying items of historical significance and value that dated back to the 1800’s. We figured we could put them in the storefront on display for all to see. A flea market is also in consideration of some sort to get rid of the duplicates we have and give them back to the community,” Hartin stated in regard to plans for the building. “The most important part is using what we have and ensuring that the Opera House will be used to the best of its ability and used for the Island Falls community as well.”
The idea of the Opera House is to have a community center for all to join, and that’s the true goal of renovating and preserving the house according to Hartin.
“On the third floor there is a projector booth and we portioned it off but had to close it off since there was no direct entrance unless it was through the theater itself. We want it to be a place to bring the community together and have them feel that way as well. These are all ideas of course, but one thing we hope to maybe make it a recreational center of some sort, an entertainment center if you would, but again these are all ideas for far down the road.”
What the Opera House may have in store for the Island Falls community and its visitors, is yet to be uncovered, but one thing is for sure, a long-held dream is inevitably becoming a reality.
If you are looking to help contribute to the Opera House revival; check out their GoFundMe page. Any small donation will help!
Look here for the Island Falls Opera House Facebook Page.
Address: Old Patten Rd, Island Falls, ME 04747
Phone: (207) 694-2740
~Joyce Benton, Undiscovered Maine Project
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