
Welcome to Easton!Easton Scenery

Easton began after the border disputes with Canada during the middle of the 19th century. Originally settled by only two people, it quickly grew into what came to be called Fremont Plantation in 1856, named after one of the leaders of the fledgling Republican Party. Nine years later, the town became incorporated as Easton, and industry popped up throughout the area; lumber mills, a starch factory, and even a steam shingle mill were built. At that time, taxes in Easton were accepted in grain or cedar shingles! The area attracted a large Methodist population, as well as Free Will Baptists, members of the Odd Fellows fraternal organization, and, more recently, a thriving Amish community.

Snow in Easton Road View

Today, agriculture and forestry remain the largest economic sectors in Easton, and this, along with great town services and many year-round outdoor activity opportunities, provide a high quality of life for Easton’s residents.

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