Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) UMSS

When do I receive an abstract number?

You will receive an abstract number after you have submitted your abstract through the UMSS abstract submission Google form, and it has been approved by your faculty mentor.

When is the best time to start thinking about research?

As soon as possible! UMSS accepts both graduate and undergraduate applications, but getting an early start on your research process gives you the most time and potential to be involved. In addition, it enables you to potentially participate in multiple UMSS events.

How do I begin the research process?

If you are interested in participating in research, begin talking to faculty about your ideas.  Once your ideas take shape and you find a faculty mentor, your research has begun and you are at a place you feel you are ready to, you can submit it to our symposium. 

How do I find a faculty mentor to work with?

If you find a faculty member who aligns with your interests you can speak with them or send them a professional email asking if they would be willing to work with you on your research.

Why should I present my research at UMSS?

Presenting your research at a symposium is a great way to sharpen your presentation and communication skills. It looks great on your resume and CV. It allows you to network with fellow researchers and sponsors.  It is also great practice for your future endeavors.

When is the next in-person UMSS?

UMSS25 is Friday, April 11, 2025

Where will the next UMSS be held?

UMaine New Balance Field House

What is an abstract number?

An abstract number is a number assigned to your submission based on the category you chose when filling out the Google UMSS abstract submission form.

Where do I find my abstract number?

Your abstract number will be sent to you by email from If you cannot locate your email with the abstract number, please contact as soon as possible.

What is the abstract number used for?

The abstract number is used to identify your project within the category you chose when filling out the Google UMSS abstract submission form. This is also what is given to judges to find and review your in-person presentation.

Should I wait until I have my abstract number to start working on my poster?

You may begin working on your poster whenever you are ready to do so. Your abstract number needs to be in the top right-hand corner of the poster but can be added in at any time. The sooner you start working on the poster, the sooner you can get it printed for the symposium!

When will students be able to submit their abstracts for UMSS?

Abstract form opens Wednesday, January 22, 2025

When does the abstract have to be in?

4:30 p.m. on Friday, March 14, 2025

Who can I ask for assistance or accommodation with this process? 

For more information or a reasonable accommodation, please get in touch with us at 207.581.3583 or

What if I have a FERPA hold?

A FERPA hold may affect how you and your research are listed on our website and program. To check or to change your hold status go to your student MaineStreet service center click “Other Personal…” and then choose “Privacy Settings” to update your hold. If you have further questions or concerns about your FERPA hold, please contact the UMaine Office of Student Records at 207.581.1288.

Will my work be open to the public?

Yes, student presentations will be highlighted on the UMSS website.  Please consult with your faculty mentor and omit information that cannot be shared with the public.

Do I have to pay for my poster to be printed?

Yes. If you have received funds from a CUGR or MSGC Fellowship you can use those towards the printing of your poster. Your department or lab may also be willing to pay for your poster. UMaine Printing now accepts cash, credit cards, checks, and Bear Bucks. 

Do I need special credentials to be a judge? 

No, you do not need special credentials to sign up to be a judge. We allow graduate students to judge undergraduates, but not other graduate students. Undergraduate students cannot be judges. For more information on judging please navigate here.

How do I dress for presenting at UMSS?

When presenting at UMSS students will want to dress business casual. For additional information regarding proper attire check out the UMaine Career Center website.

Who will be attending UMSS?

Because this event is free and open to the public, we encourage the community to attend. Faculty, Staff, and Students from UMaine and other campuses, sponsors, legislators, and businesses and their leaders will also be in attendance. 

Who can I ask for assistance/questions during the symposium?

We will have volunteers and staff members available to answer questions and assist you during UMSS.