Why Be a UMSS Judge?
– See the fascinating research being done on campus
– See the amazing creative activity being done on campus
– Speak directly with students about their presentations
Judging Information:
- Judges are automatically registered for the event. There is no need to register again.
- Information packets including a judging rubric will be available upon check-in.
- Judging is completed in person, at the venue on the day of the event.
- All judging scores must be submitted as soon as possible on the day of the event.
- We request that judges be open to judging all categories. The Symposium is a time when our entire campus community comes together to share our work with one another, breaking down the silos of our individual departments and colleges. For this reason, one of our most important judging criteria is that students be able to explain their project in a way that is easily understood by people outside of their area of expertise. By judging presentations outside of your area, you will be contributing to an important educational experience for our students. To facilitate this, we will no longer ask judges to sign up for specific categories.

Event Venue:
- New Balance Field House, University of Maine, Orono, Maine
- A map of the campus is available here
- The program will be arriving soon!
- For those visiting the UMaine campus, parking will be available near the New Balance Field House.
- A visitor parking pass will be sent to your inbox- as a judge. Please be sure this is printed and displayed on the dashboard of your vehicle.
For accessible accommodations, please email um.symposium@maine.edu.