What We Do

University of Maine SWE offers many opportunities to volunteer and get involved with events during the academic year. We participate in math and science activities for local kids as part of our volunteerism with with the Challenger Center in Bangor, we host talks from women engineers, we attend regional and national SWE conferences, and much more!  We also host the university’s Engineering Formal in the spring.

Who Can Join

The student section of the University of Maine SWE is open to all STEM majors, including engineering, engineering technology and engineering physics, as well as computer science and math majors. Both undergraduate and graduate students are welcome. Though we are here to support women and diversity in STEM, all genders are welcome in our section!

Who We Are

From the national SWE website:

“The Society of Women Engineers (SWE) is a not-for-profit educational and service organization that empowers women to succeed and advance in the field of engineering, and to be recognized for their life-changing contributions as engineers and leaders. SWE is the driving force that establishes engineering as a highly desirable career for women through an exciting array of training and development programs, networking opportunities, scholarships, and outreach and advocacy activities.”

All About the Society of Women Engineers University of Maine Chapter

Want to get involved with SWE?

To join our email list and get updates on general meeting times and other SWE events, email our secretary at kenzie.karpinski@maine.edu. 

If you join at collegiate level, you’ll get a discount on your first year’s dues when you upgrade to professional membership at graduation.