Hermansen Articles

Partial Index to Articles Authored or Co-Authored
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Fictional Books

Walking to Hell – The Story of a Confederate Soldier, Book 1 (2014) – Amazon
Hard Living, Easy Dying – The Story of a Confederate Soldier, Book 2 (2014) – Amazon
Blessed Are the Dead, Cursed Are the Living – The Story of a Confederate Soldier, Book 3 (2015) – Amazon
Hard Men, Hard Times – The Story of a Confederate Soldier, Book 4 (2015) – Amazon
I’ve Seen Better Days – The Story of a Confederate Soldier, Book 5 (2015) – Amazon
Masters of Destruction – The Story of a Confederate Soldier, Book 6 (2015) – Amazon
All We Had and More – The Story of a Confederate Soldier, Book 7 (2015) – Amazon
Vengeance I Seek, Retribution I’ll Have – The Story of a Confederate Soldier and Frontiersman, Book 8 (2015) – Amazon
God Smiled, Then the Devil Took HIs Due – The Story of a Western Frontiersman, Book 9 (2018)
A Quest Delayed, Yearnings Unfulfilled – The Story of a Western Frontiersman, Book 10 (2019)
Grief, Graves, and Good Times – The Story of a Western Frontiersman, Book 11 (2020)
Travels & Travails – The Story of a Western Frontiersman, Book 12 (2020)
Sins, Sorrow, and Success – The Story of a Western Frontiersman, Book 13 (2020)
Women, Wandering, and Wives – The Story of a Western Frontiersman, Book 14 (2021)
Laughter, Life, and Lean Times – The Story of a Western Frontiersman, Book 15 (2023)
Sorrow, Suffering, and Sadness – The Story of a Western Frontiersman, Book 16 (2023)
Outlaws, Rustlers, and Bandits – The Story of a Western Frontiersman, Book 17 (2024)

Legal/Surveying Books

Litigating Property Boundaries & Related Matters (2024)
Maine Boundary Litigation (co-author)
Maine Roads & Easements (co-author)
Maine Riparian and Littoral Boundaries and Rights (co-author)
Town Lines in Maine (co-author)
Maine Boundary Law (co-author)
Boundary Disputes & Related Matters
Residential Subdivision and Land Development in Maine (co-author) – MSBA Practice Series 104, No. 1 (2008) – Maine State Bar Association
Principles and Procedures for the Location of Boundaries in Maine (co-author) – MSBA Practice Series 102, No. 1 (2006) – Maine State Bar Association
Maine Principles of Ownership Along Water Bodies (co-author) – MSBA Practice Series 103, No. 1 (2003) – Maine State Bar Association
Roads and Easements (co-author) – Practice Series 101, No. 1 (2003) – Maine State Bar Association
Boundary Retracement Principles and Procedures for Pennsylvania (1986) – Pennsylvania Society of Land Surveyors



A Boundary Arbitration (2010)
Acquiescence (2011)
Access to Old Records (2002)
Affidavit For the Record (1997)
Arbitrating A Boundary (2002)


Boundary Arbitration (2012)
Beware of Price Fixing! (1990)
Boundary Line Agreements (2009)


A Complaint Has Been Filed Against Me! (2009)
Certification (1997)
Common Research Mistakes – Senior Title (2015)
Common Research Mistakes – Easements (2015)
Common Research Mistakes – Forward Search (2015)
Common Research Mistakes – Road Records (2015)
Common Research Mistakes – Probate Records (2015)
Copyright Basics for Surveyors (2003)


Deeds – A Primer for Surveyors (2012)
Digital Data Transmission (2006)
Digital Research (2005)
Digsafe – Surveyors Beware (Maine) (2001)


Estoppel (2009)
Experience – Options and Alternatives (2008)
Extrinsic Evidence as Aid to the Interpretation of Deeds and Descriptions (2004)


Future of Mortgage Loan Inspections (Surveys) (1993)


GPS and Boundary Retracement (1999)
Graduate Education in Surveying (2019)


Implied Easement – Necessity (2011)
Implied Easement – Reference to Grantor’s Road (2011)
Implied Easement – Reference to Subdivision Plan (2011)
Implied Easement – Quasi Easement (2011)
Indemnification or “Hold Harmless” Clauses (2009)
Innovations in Boundary Research (2006)


Just Say No! (1991)


Letter to Adjoiner (2003) Also see Notice of Survey (2009)
Litigation and Engineering (2002)


Moose Hunt (2013)
Moose Hunt Revisited (2019)


Notice of Survey (2009) Also see Letter to Adjoiner (2003)


Parol Testimony (2010)
Possession Boundary & Surveyor’s Role (2006)
Practical Location (2010)
Professional Responsibility (1991)
Professional Seal (1989)
Protecting Your Work (1994)


Reaching Out To Educate The Survey Practitioner (1994)
Record Research (2009)
Recruiting Students (2008)
Reminisce – Measuring a Distance by Taping I (2018)
Reminisce – Measuring Angles & Directions II (2018)
Reminisce – Other Equipment III (2018)
RESPA and Washout MLIs (1998)
Return on Investment – A Formal Surveying Education (2013)
Right of Entry (2003)
Rules for the Course (Hermansen SVT Courses)


Send a Letter (1991)
Senior Title (2002)
Standards (1991)
Surveying Engineering Technology On Line Degree (2019)
Surveyor as an Expert (2012)
Surveyor Licensing Boards – Are They Doing Their Job? (1992)
Survey Reports (2009)
Surveying Services (2006)
Surveyors and Title (2013)
Surveyor’s Responsibility and Possession Boundaries (2006)


Thoughts on Professional Practice & Education 1 – Faculty Licensure (2021)
Thoughts on Professional Practice & Education 2 – FS Exam as a Student Graduation Requirement (2022)
Thoughts on Professional Practice & Education 3 – Eliminate Experience Requirement for Licensing (2022)
Thoughts on Professional Practice & Education 4 – Business and Management in Education (2022)
Thoughts on Professional Practice & Education 5 – Removing Examination Pre-requisites (2022)
Thoughts on Professional Practice & Education 6 – Licensing With and Without a Degree (2022)
Thoughts on Professional Practice & Education 7 – License Forum Shopping (2022)
Thoughts on Professional Practice & Education 8 – State Specific Exams (2022)
Thoughts on Professional Practice & Education 9 – Multiple Discipline Licenses and Certifications (2023)
Thoughts on Professional Practice & Education 10 – Professional Partnering with Survey Programs (2023)
Thoughts on Professional Practice & Education 11 – Common Practical Deficiencies in Student Education (2023)
Thoughts on Professional Practice & Education 12 – Life-Time Continuing Education Waiver with Education (2023)


Unspoken Words – The Conversation with the Client (1991)
Unlicensed Practice of Land Surveying (2002)


What Did You Do? Apportionment Documentation (2000)
What To Do With Fences (2004)
When is a Rod NOT 16.5 feet (1992)


Note: Contact Knud for Youtube links.

Boundary Surveying

Boundary Retracement Example
Boundaries Encountered
Conflict with Other Surveyors
Historical Aspects Boundary Retracement
Licensing & Professional Practice
Title Transfer & Property Ownership
Professional Licensing
Progression of Practice
Concurrent & Undivided Land Ownership
Deed Types & Warrantees
Title Insurance & Surveying
Title Security & Terms
Boundary Survey Public Record Research
Gaps & Gores
General Rules of Construction
Overlapping Title & Senior Title
Fences, Walls, & Possession Boundaries
Adverse Possession
Unwritten Agreement
Practical Location
Apportionment & Proportion
Proportioning in USPLSS
Rules of Construction – Easements
Rules of Construction – Riparian

Florida Riparian Law
Marketable Record Title Act
Scenario 1 –  Monument v. Measurements
Scenario 2 –  Best Evidence
Scenario 3 –  Conflicting Monuments
Scenario 4 –  Conflicting Monument Calls
Scenario 5 –  Unsurveyed Boundary
Scenario 6 –  Overlap
Scenario 7 –  Possession Line Boundary
Scenario 8 –  Gap
Scenario 9 –  Blanket Easement
Scenario 10 –  Possession Best Evidence
Scenario 11 –  Center of Section
Scenario 12 – Proration
Scenario 13 – Proration of Waterfront
Scenario 14 – Weighing the Evidence
Scenario 15 – Pin Cushion Corner
Scenario 16 – Estoppel & Practical Location
Scenario 17 – Acquiescence
Scenario 18 – Conflicting Boundary Calls
Scenario 19 – Overburdening
Scenario 20 – Liability
Scenario 21 – Monument Over Boundary
Scenario 22 – Monument Before the Boundary
Scenario 23 – Aliquot Division of Un-Surveyed Land
Scenario 24 – Un-Called-For Monument
Scenario 25 – Inconsistent Calls
Scenario 26 – Research Compilation
Scenario 27 – Record Research on the Internet
Scenario 28 – Overcoming Record Research Obstacles
Scenario 29 – Legal Research
Maine Municipal Subdivision Law
L.U.P.C. Subdivision
DEP (Site Law) Subdivision Law
Maine Riparian Boundary Law
Maine Public Road Easement Law