EarthRise Digital Earth Day – Earth Day Network is coordinating a global digital mobilization that drives actions big and small, gives diverse voices a platform and demands bold action for people and the planet. Over the 24 hours of Earth Day, EARTHRISE will include global conversations, calls to action, performances, video teach-ins and more.
Webinar on Happiness & Sustainability Around the Earth – The Sustainable Development Solutions Network is hosting a 24-hour webinar event on Earth Day to explore the Sustainable Development Goals through the lens of well-being and happiness.
When possible, support Maine State Parks and other conservation lands by visiting one of the many locations across the state. Although many are closed right now, some are still open – be sure to practice physical distancing, but turn back if the park begins to get crowded.
Use your phone to take photos of plants, insects, and other wildlife on your property and upload it iNaturalist to learn what they are.
Create an Earth Day poster (8 ½ x 11) with your family or housemates, then take a photo of it and share it on social media to help raise awareness about Earth Day!
Use Your Voice:
Make your voice heard and contact your legislators about issues that are important to you whether it is protecting wild places, recycling reform, improving public transport, acting on climate, or something else.
Repot that plant that outgrew its pot last season that you’ve “been meaning to get to” – your plant will be so happy!
Try a new meatless recipe, and incorporate more vegetarian and vegan meals into your week. Reduce your meat consumption to curb carbon emissions from the livestock industry.
Avoid bottled water by always filling up your reusable water bottle before you head out of the house.
Keep a stash of cloth rags in a basket or bag in convenient places around your home, for use instead of paper towels.
Work to reduce the amount of plastic you use. Stop using disposable plastics, especially single-use plastics like bottles, bags and straws.
When you need to use paper, make sure it’s 100% post-consumer recycled paper.
Do some “spring clearing-out” with the goal of bringing items to the Black Bear Exchange, local animal shelters, Adoptive & Foster Families of Maine, Goodwill or Salvation Army, when they are open for collections. Make sure to contact them before you plan your deliver your donation.
If it’s spring cleaning you’re doing, use toxic-free cleaning products—find out how to make your own with everyday ingredients around your home by downloading a copy of the Natural Resources Council’s Clean & Healthy Housekeeping brochure.
Organize your refrigerator in a way that helps you reduce food waste. Store meat and fish on the bottom shelf where it’s coldest. Put veggies in the high-humidity drawer, and fruits in the low humidity drawer. Store leftovers on the upper shelf and label them with dates. Don’t put milk or eggs in the door where it is the warmest.
Plant native plants in your yard. Non-natives can out-compete native species for resources. Look especially for plants that attract pollinators and other insects that are part of a healthy ecosystem and that rely on native plants for food and habitat.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle:
Recycle batteries from small appliances and your electronics. Use rechargeable batteries instead!
Collect used printer, fax, and copier cartridges to recycle.
Recycle paper, plastic and glass. Reduce your garbage by 10% and your carbon footprint by 1,200 pounds a year.
Take a shorter shower and use a water-saving shower head.
Set your printer to print two-sided.
Switch to e-billing. It saves paper and ensures health safety—so important right now!
Conserve natural resources by turning something old into something new! Find thousands of ideas at: