Financial Aid Friday: Webseries
Check out our Financial Aid Friday webseries – that includes recorded sessions about all things financial aid and billing!
Money Matters Presentation
Looking for a comprehensive, A to Z overview of Financial Aid and Billing information? Click here for a full-length presentation by a UMaine Financial Aid Advisor!
Accepted Student Checklist
⇒ Accept admission to UMaine
⇒ Activate your University of Maine System (UMS) account
⇒ Set up your @maine.edu account
⇒ Apply for financial aid by filing the FAFSA
⇒ Log onto MaineStreet and check for To Do items
⇒ Receive your financial Aid award
⇒ Accept the financial aid you want to receive on MaineStreet
⇒ Report Outside Aid on MaineStreet
⇒ Complete Entrance Counseling for loans
⇒ Complete Master Promissory Note(s) for loans
⇒ Look into additional funding options
⇒ Estimate your semester bill
⇒ Report Anticipated Resources on MaineStreet
⇒ Enroll in Direct Deposit on MaineStreet
⇒ Complete Consent to Release Information Form (so parent/guardian can talk to anyone at UMaine about your financial, billing and academic information)
⇒ Make your parent an Authorized User to view and pay your student bill
⇒ Contact Student Employment for help finding a job