Photography Series: Observations of an Amateaur Bird Appreiciator

By Emerson Rinehart


Artist Statement

While trying to photograph a bird, or any animal, I often find myself caught between the desire to creep closer and catch a more detailed shot, and the worry that my movement will scare them off and end my glimpse into their undisturbed life. In this internal battle I concede to my human habit of assuming detachment between me and the animal. There are no real borders between our two lives, but I cannot help but draw a line between us, because they are natural, and I am whatever comes after. Not unnatural or wrong, but removed and uneducated in the ways a forest hums like a choir. I don’t know my part, but I am honored to be able to listen. This series of photos span multiple years of my life, and are a commemoration of some of the songs I’ve had the privilege of hearing.