
Michael Rocque ’05 Receives American Society of Criminology Award

Michael Rocque ’05 (left) received the Outstanding Contribution Award from the American Society of Criminology Division of Developmental and Life-course Criminology at the ASC annual conference last week in San  Francisco (Nov 2019). This award recognizes an outstanding developmental and life-course criminology book, article, or book chapter published in the previous two years (2017-2018). The award […]

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Sporer published in Journal of Qualitative Criminal Justice & Criminology

#JESUISPARIS?: AN APPEAL TO HYPOCRISY AND JUSTIFICATIONS FOR MASS CASUALTY VIOLENCE Karyn Sporer, University of Maine; Michael K. Logan, University of Nebraska at Omaha; Gina S. Ligon, University of Nebraska at Omaha; Doug C. Derrick, University of Nebraska at Omaha Abstract We draw from Sykes and Matza’s techniques of neutralization theory to interpret how Islamic […]

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Professor Sporer Recognized in various articles

Dr. Karyn Sporer’s work on coping strategies used by family members of violent children with severe mental illness was recognized in an article in the UMaine News, picked up by another website, and featured on local TV: Research examines coping strategies used by family members of violent children with severe mental illness August 12, 2019 […]

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How Lauren Crane ’17 uses Sociology in Her Work Every Day

We recently heard from Lauren Crane ’17 that in her work as a nurse she finds that having a sociology degree comes in handy every day. We asked her to expand on this and here is her response: “My name is Lauren Crane. I was fortunate enough to graduate from the University of Maine with […]

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Steven F. Cohn 1939-2019

Steven F. Cohn, Professor Emeritus of Sociology, died July 29, 2019, from complications of Parkinson’s at the age of 79. He came to the University of Maine in 1971 after obtaining his Ph.D. in Sociology from Columbia University, where he studied with sociological luminaries such as Robert K. Merton. In 1971-1972 he played a leading […]

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Most Downloaded ASA Journal Articles in 2018

Professor Amy Blackstone has just learned some great news! Her 2012 American Sociological Review article,  “Sexual Harassment, Workplace Authority, and the Paradox of Power”, was the 2nd most downloaded article of all American Sociological Association journals in 2018. This article was written with Heather McLaughlin (UMaine sociology 2006 alum) and Chris Uggen of the University of […]

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Blackstone’s Childfree by Choice article links

Here are links to some recent press by Professor Amy Blackstone: Grazia magazine: Ms. magazine: TIME magazine: And an interview on Wisconsin Public Radio:

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Barkan New York Times Letter to the Editor

Professor Steve Barkan has a letter to the editor in the New York Times: Opinion LETTERS Trump, ‘Exploiting Racism for Political Gain’ Readers discuss the president’s “go back” tweet and reflect on earlier calls of “America, love it or leave it.” July 19, 2019 To the Editor: Re “Trump Steps Up Attack on 4 Congresswomen, to […]

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