
Incel bonding: Stories and storytelling in online misogynist spaces

Co-Published by Michael Headicke and Student Gunner Eastman, based on his Honors Thesis research with First Monday, an open-access internet Journal. AbstractInvoluntary celibates, or incels, are part of a misogynistic, extremist subculture that has been linked to acts of mass violence. Unlike other alt-right communities, the incel subculture exists entirely online, and participants rarely, if […]

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Retired Sociology/Honors Professor Dr. James E. Gallagher passes away

The Department of Sociology would like to express our condolences to the Gallagher Family. Dr. James E. Gallagher died on May 12, 2024. Born Sept. 20,1940, in Woburn, Massachusetts, Jim grew up in an Irish working-class community. He never imagined going to college. His life changed when a high school teacher, recognizing his inquiring mind, […]

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We can solve the widespread problem of lead in school water – BDN

Michael Haedicke is an associate professor of sociology at the University of Maine and a faculty fellow at the Senator George J. Mitchell Center for Sustainability Solutions. This column reflects his views and expertise and does not speak on behalf of the University of Maine or the Mitchell Center. Haedicke is a member of the […]

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Associate Professor, Michael Haedicke elected to Presidency of the Midwest Sociological Society(MSS)

Michael Haedicke, associate professor of sociology, was elected to the presidency of the Midwest Sociological Society (MSS). The MSS is a professional organization that serves nearly 1300 scholars, students, and practicing sociologists in the Midwest region and beyond. Haedicke will serve a four-year term, rotating through the positions of president-elect-elect, president-elect, president, and past president […]

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