
ASA Annual Meeting

The ASA Annual Meeting was held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada this year. Three sociology students were able to attend through the ASA Honors Program: Allison DellaMattera, Julianna Ferguson, and Sam Saucier. Professors Steve Barkan and Kyriacos Markides were also in attendance. This year’s annual dinner with sociology alumni at the conference was well attended.

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Professor Blackstone in Ms Blog: Magnifying Heather Heyer

Filmmaker Maxine Trump and Professor Amy Blackstone gathered reflections from childless and childfree women on Heather Heyer’s legacy. “In a heart-wrenching eulogy in memory of her daughter Heather Heyer, who was mowed down by white supremacist James Alex Fields Jr. while counter-protesting a so-called “alt right” rally populated by neo-Nazis, KKK members and other white […]

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Professor Sporer’s latest article in Journal of Family Violence

In the Journal of Family Violence August 16, 2017 Mothers of Violent Children with Mental Illness: How They Perceive Barriers to Effective Help by Karyn Sporer and Dana L. Radatz Abstract: The goal of the present study was to understand how mothers perceive and experience barriers to effective help for their violent child with mental illness. Data […]

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The Mixed Blessing of Donald Trump for Progressive Protest

Professor Barkan has posted an essay on the blogsite “Mobilizing Ideas”: A central task of any social movement is to induce people to participate in movement efforts and to sustain their commitment to the cause once they do start participating. This task is especially important for movements that engage in protest, but it is also […]

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Sporer Article Published: Family identity disrupted by mental illness and violence: An application of relational dialectics theory

Professor Karyn Sporer has had an article published in the Southern Communication Journal: Sporer, Karyn, and Paige W. Toller. (2017). Family identity disrupted by mental illness and violence: An application of relational dialectics theory. Southern Communication Journal. doi: 10.1080/1041794X.2017.1302503. Abstract This research examines how family discourse or talk about severe mental illness (SMI) creates and animates […]

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Barkan Explains the Merits of the ACA in this BDN OpEd

In his OpEd “The Non-Alternative Facts about Obamacare”, Professor Barkan explains the merits of what the ACA has to offer and what will be lost if replaced with the current proposal. “Because the Affordable Care Act remains so controversial, it is useful to remember some of its major provisions that benefit many people’s health: — […]

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Professor Sporer has Chapter in New Book on Preventing Crime & Violence

Professor Karyn Sporer has a chapter in the new book Preventing Crime and Violence, Advances in Prevention Science. The chapter is entitled “Macro- and Micro-approaches to Crime Prevention and Intervention Programs.” “This insightful volume integrates criminological theories, prevention science, and empirical findings to create an up-to-date survey of crime prevention research and strategies. Its interdisciplinary perspective expands […]

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Blackstone/Gardner Article: Faculty Agency in Applying for Promotion to Professor

Professors Susan Gardner, UMaine Higher Education, and Amy Blackstone, sociology, co-authored an article on the experiences of faculty who were rejected or dissuaded when going up for promotion to full professor that has just come out in the Journal for the Study of Postsecondary and Tertiary Education: Faculty Agency in Applying for Promotion to Professor In […]

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