Sanonda Datta Gupta
Previous Education: B.S. in Computer Science and Engineering, Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Campus Office Location: 224 East Annex
Employer: Teaching Assistant, University of Maine
Academic and/or Professional Interests: “Research” and “Teaching” are two of my passions. I am interested in exploring the privacy vulnerabilities in the field of smart devices or, more specifically, in the Internet of Things. I am currently researching and analyzing the possible privacy risks associated with heterogeneous Internet of Things (IoT) architecture and how to mitigate those. At the same time, I am also working as a TA, which helps in developing communication skills and encourages me to be focused on my potential career as an “educator.”
Research Interests: Privacy in IoT, Android Application Analysis, Machine Learning
Advisor: Dr. Sepideh Ghanavati