Social Justice Theory and Clinical Practice: The Liberation Health Conceptual Framework Live Webinar

The University of Maine Rural Integrated Behavioral Health in Primary Care Project and the School of Social Work are pleased to present the Fall 2021 Field Instructor Appreciation continuing education online event:
Social Justice Theory and Clinical Practice: The Liberation Health Conceptual Framework
A live webinar presented by Dawn Belkin Martinez, Ph.D., LICSW
Friday, November 12, 2021 9–10 a.m.
COVID-19 has unmasked our current political crisis and social workers and other behavioral health providers are on the frontlines. We witness, on a daily basis, the economic, racial, and cultural oppression our clients are experiencing. Yet social workers and other behavioral health professionals are often at a loss as to how to explore and discuss the effects of systemic racism and socio-political problems with the individuals and families they work with. This workshop will introduce attendees to the liberation health framework; a social justice focused method of clinical practice which integrates analysis of cultural, social, and political forces with traditional clinical methods.
No cost for attendance. Registration required. Certificates of Attendance available.
For questions or to request a reasonable accommodation, contact: Elaine O’Leary, School of Social Work, University of Maine, Orono, ME 04469; 207-581-2399 .
The University of Maine is an equal opportunity/affirmative action institution.