Partners in Data Literacy
Published: 2022
Publication Name: Partners in Data Literacy
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Data are the currency — the lifeblood — of science. Every science practice is part of the process of turning systematically collected observations (data) into evidence that helps us learn and communicate about how the world works. When presented as evidence, data allow us to understand the nature of past events and predict consequences and outcomes. We use data to justify decisions and actions and prepare wisely for changes that likely lie ahead. Ability to turn data into evidence is essential to thriving in a fast-changing world. Many science and math educators are concerned that students, at a very basic level, are not learning to graph, analyze, interpret, and reason effectively about data as evidence. The writings and resources here offer core ideas, observations, strategies, and reflections about practical challenges to teaching students how to turn data into evidence, understanding, and, ultimately, into justifiable decisions, and wise action. We hope you will enrich discussions by sharing your insights, resources, and related experiences.
Schauffler, M., Zoellick, B., Hunter-Thomson, K., Nelson, S., Laursen Brickley, A., & Peterson, F. (2022). Partners in Data Literacy.