Heather Falconer

Assistant Professor of Professional and Technical Writing, Department of English
Faculty Member of the RiSE Center

Neville Hall 319

Recent Publications (also see below)

Highlighted Publications

Falconer, H.M. (2022). Masking inequality with good intentions: Systemic bias, counterspaces, and discourse acquisition in STEM education. University Press of Colorado/Practices and Possibilities. https://wac.colostate.edu/books/practice/masking/

Greer, J., Grobman, L., & Falconer, H. M. (2020). Contributing to knowledge: A defining characteristic of undergraduate research, a critical opportunity to empower students. In D. Dellacarpini, J. Fishman, & J. Greer (Eds.), The Naylor Report on undergraduate research in Writing Studies. Parlor Press.

Falconer, H. M. (2019). “I think when I speak, I don’t sound like that”: The influence on social positioning on rhetorical skill development in science. Written Communication, 36(1), 9-37.

Falconer, H. M. (2017). Assessing writing in undergraduate biology coursework: A review of the literature on practices and criteria. The WAC Journal, 28, 123-138.

Carpi, A., Ronan, D. M., Falconer, H. M., & Lents, N. H. (2017). Cultivating minority scientists: Undergraduate research increases self-efficacy and career ambitions for underrepresented students in STEM. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 54(2), 169-194. Published online before print August 5, 2016. https://doi.org/10.1002/tea.21341