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Maine Center for Research in STEM Education

2022 Maine STEM Partnership Summit

Samoset Resort 220 Warrenton St, Rockport, ME, United States

Friday evening and Saturday Maine STEM Partnership Moving Forward: How do we work together to build excellence in STEM education for all students? The Maine STEM Partnership Annual Fall Summit is returning to the Samoset Resort. This year we will use our time together to look at current and future STEM challenges in the world […]

RiSE Center Colloquium: Ezekiel Kimball

Barrows Hall 123 and Zoom

Maine Center for Research in STEM Education (RiSE Center) Colloquium Series Presents Ezekiel Kimball, Ph.D. College of Education and Human Development, University of Maine Monday, December 5, 3:00–4:00 p.m. Barrows 123 and Zoom (link and passcode available by email) Quilted Backbones in Collective Impact Partnership: Examining a Broadening STEM Participation Program as a Feminist Matrix […]

Social Emotional Learning in the STEM Classroom 2022–2023


Professional learning opportunity sponsored by the Maine STEM Partnership at the RiSE Center and facilitated by Maine teachers Grace Coffe from Brewer HS, Nick Innis from Mt. Ararat HS and Betsy Trenckmann from Hermon HS. The six sessions will be held on Zoom, 4:00–5:30 p.m. on Jan 17, Jan 31, Feb 13, March 7, March […]

RiSE Center Teaching Fellowship Associate Membership 2022–23


Professional learning opportunity sponsored by the Maine STEM Partnership at the RiSE Center, University of Maine The Maine STEM Partnership is opening up an exciting new way to participate in the RiSE Center Teaching Fellowship program. Associate members will have access to this established community of experienced teachers, early career teachers, and RiSE Center staff, […]

RiSE Center Colloquium: RiSE Faculty Research Showcase

Maine Center for Research in STEM Education (RiSE Center) Colloquium Series Presents RiSE Center Faculty University of Maine Monday, February 6, 3:00–4:00 p.m. Barrows Hall 119 and Zoom (link and passcode available by email) RiSE Faculty Research Showcase The colloquium on Monday, February 6th, will include brief (one-slide) descriptions given by RiSE faculty members of […]

Gender and Higher-Ed Leadership in Bangor and the Surrounding Community

Coe Room, Memorial Union University of Maine, Orono, ME, United States

The Department of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies is hosting the latest installment of their “WGS at Work” series on February 15 from 1-2 PM in the Coe Room in the Memorial Union. This will be a roundtable discussion on the topic of gender and higher-ed leadership in Bangor and the surrounding community, featuring administrators […]

Maine Science Festival

The Maine Science Festival is the first and only science festival in Maine. The MSF launched in 2015 and is a celebration of the national and world-leading science by the […]

STEM and WGS/Disability Studies

Bangor Room, Memorial Union University of Maine, Orono, ME, United States

Getting the Conversation Started: STEM and WGS/Disability Studies Monday, March 27, 2-3 p.m. Bangor Room, Memorial Union This roundtable discussion features four faculty members from STEM-related fields including Dr. Penny […]

RiSE Center Colloquium: President Joan Ferrini-Mundy

Barrows Hall 119 and Zoom

Maine Center for Research in STEM Education (RiSE Center) Colloquium Series Presents Dr. Joan Ferrini-Mundy President of the University of Maine Monday, April 3, 3:00–4:00 p.m. Barrows Hall 119 and […]

Thesis Defense: Bukola Ake


Bukola Ake Candidate for Master of Science in Teaching Tuesday, April 11, 2023, 10:00 a.m. via Zoom An Investigation of the Instructional Norms of Mathematical Communication When Students Present Geometry […]
