Thane Fremouw

Associate Professor of Psychology
Psychology Department Chair
301A Williams Hall
**Note to Graduate Program Applicants: Dr. Fremouw DOES NOT plan to recruit graduate students for the Fall 2025 semester
Research Interests
Chemo-fog/chemo-brain, category learning, memory, and attention.
Selected Publications
Aubie B., Sayegh R., Fremouw T., Covey E., Faure P.A., (2014). Decoding stimulus duration from neural responses in the auditory midbrain. Journal of Neurophysiology, 112(10), 2432-45.
Morrison J.A., Farzan F., Fremouw T., Sayegh R., Covey E., Faure P.A. (2014). Organization and Trade-off of Spectro-Temporal Tuning Properties of Duration-Tuned Neurons in the Mammalian Inferior Colliculus. Journal of Neurophysiology, 111(10), 2047-60.
Fremouw, T., Fessler, C.L., Ferguson, R.J., Burguete Y. (2012). Recent and remote spatial memory in mice treated with cytosine arabinoside. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior, 100(3), 451-7.
Fremouw, T., Fessler, C.L., Ferguson, R.J., Burguete Y. (2012). Preserved learning and memory in mice following chemotherapy: 5-Fluorouracil and doxorubicin single agent treatment, doxorubicin–cyclophosphamide combination treatment. Behavioural Brain Research, 226(1), 154-62.
Shimp, C.P., Herbranson, W. T., Fremouw, T. (2012). From momemtary maximizing to serial reaction times and artificial grammar learning. In E. Wasserman, & T. Zentall (Eds.) The Handbook of Comparative Cognition. Oxford University Press. pp. 674-692.