Committee on Scientific Misconduct

Committee on Scientific Misconduct Year-End Report 2018-2019


Function: Any allegation of “misconduct in research and other scholarly activities” that is made against a member of the faculty or staff or against his/her collaborator(s) requires prompt, thorough and fair review. Misconduct means fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, or other practices that seriously deviate from those that are commonly accepted within the scholarly community for proposing, conducting, or reporting research and other scholarly activities. It does not include honest error or honest differences in interpretations or judgments of data.

Committee on Scientific Misconduct consists of at least six members, limited to tenured faculty selected to represent a range of disciplines. Faculty Senate will recommend potential Committee members who will then be selected by the Vice President for Research, who is the Misconduct Policy Officer. For any specific allegation or set of allegations, a three-member Inquiry Board of the Committee on Scientific Misconduct, appointed by the Misconduct Policy Officer, will conduct the inquiry in accordance with defined procedures. If an investigation is warranted, the Inquiry Board shall recommend that the Misconduct Policy Officer charge the appropriate Dean with appointing an Ad Hoc Review Panel to conduct a full investigation.

Members: The Committee on Scientific Misconduct consists of at least six members, limited to tenured faculty selected to represent a range of disciplines.

Reports to: Vice President for Research & Dean of the Graduate School