Academic Standing Committee
Short Description
The Academic Standing Committee identifies, at the end of each semester, those students who are not making satisfactory progress and takes appropriate action. The Committee also advises the Associate Provost for Academic Affairs and Faculty Development on various matters related to undergraduate academic programs.
- Associate Provost for Academic Affairs and Faculty Development (Chair)
- Associate/Assistant Deans of the degree-granting colleges and Honors College
- Director of Explorations and Foundations
- Director of School of Engineering Technology
- Senior Associate for Online Program Development and Adult Student Services, DLL
- Representative from Office of Student Records
All are appointed ex officio by the Provost and serve without term.
Current Members
- Gabriel Paquette, Associate Provost for Academic Affairs and Faculty Development (Chair)
- Sue Sullivan, Associate Dean, College of Earth, Life and Health Sciences
- Justin Dimmel, Associate Dean, College of Education & Human Development
- Mohamad Musavi, Associate Dean, Maine College of Engineering and Computing
- Patti Miles, Associate Dean, Maine Business School
- Tim Cole, Associate Dean, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
- Melissa Ladenheim, Associate Dean, Honors College
- Will Manion, Director of School of Engineering Technology
- John Mascetta, Advising and Student Services Center Director
- Denice Tucker, Associate Registrar, Office of Student Records
- Connie Smith, Director, Office of Student Financial Aid
- Tiffany Butler, Senior Associate Director, Office of Student Financial Aid
- Patricia Libby, Associate Dean, DLL
Assessment Advisory Board (AAB)
Short Description
To advise the Assistant Provost for Institutional Research and Assessment and the Associate Provost for Academic Affairs and Faculty Development on assessment-related subjects. Members provide feedback on proposed assessment policies, procedures, and activities; act as assessment liaisons to the major academic units on campus, and work as proponents of effective campus-wide assessment.
- Assistant Provost for Institutional Research and Assessment (Chair)
- Associate Provost for Academic Affairs and Faculty Development
- Designee of the Dean of Libraries
- A minimum of one representative from each College (either administration or faculty, appointed by Dean)
Current Members
- Deb Allen, Assistant Provost for Institutional Research and Assessment (Chair)
- Dylan Dryer, Associate Professor of Composition Studies and Graduate Coordinator, Department of English
- Jared Beal, Accreditation Data Manager, College of Education and Human Development
- Kaitlyn Groh, Graduate Assistant, Office of Institutional Research and Assessment
- Kathryn Yerxa, Extension Professor, Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program Coordinator, School of Food and Agriculture
- Laura Millay, Assessment and Institutional Research Analyst, Office of Institutional Research and Assessment
- Nuri Emanetoglu, Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Sara Flanagan, Assistant Professor of Special Education
- Timothy Cole, Associate Dean, College of Liberal Arts & Science
- Susan Sullivan, Associate Dean for Academics, College of Earth, Life and Health Sciences
- Sabrina DeTurk, Lecturer in Honors
- Nancy Lewis, Department Head of Reference & Information Literacy, Fogler Library
- Lizao Zhang, Assistant Professor of Operations Management, Maine Business School
- Shannon McCoy, Associate Professor of Psychology
- Lynn Atkins, Principal Lecturer, Biology, School of Biology and Ecology
- Ryan Weatherbee, Assistant Director for Assessment, Office of Institutional Research and Assessment (ex officio)
Bachelor of University Studies (BUS) Advisory Committee
Short Description
The function of the committee is advisory to the Associate Provost for Online & Continuing Education and the Director of Bachelor of University Studies. The Committee will review all Programs of Study and Capstone proposals, approve the credentials and qualifications of faculty who will teach UST courses, approve policy recommendations, and advise on matters relating to the Bachelor of University Studies degree.
The Bachelor of University Studies Advisory Committee consists of faculty representatives from each college of the University of Maine and an appropriate member (ex officio) of the Admissions Office. “Faculty”, for the purposes of the Bachelor of University Studies Advisory Committee may be defined as either tenured, tenure track, or continuing appointment faculty. Faculty members may vote on decisions falling into the function of the Committee. The Director of the BUS shall appoint Committee members. Faculty members usually are appointed for 3-year terms, with the option of reappointment, upon request.
Current Members
- Barbara Howard, Director, Bachelor of University Studies (ex officio), Division of Lifelong Learning
- Sharon Oliver, Director of Transfer Admissions (ex officio), Undergraduate Admissions
- William Ellis, Associate Director, School of Marine Sciences, College of Natural Sciences, Forestry and Agriculture
- Christopher Mares, Lecturer, English as a Second Language, Honors College
- Philip Dunn, Professor of Construction Engineering Technology, College of Engineering
- Richard Powell, Professor/Director of the Cohen Institute for Leadership & Public Service, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Information Technologies (IT) Strategic Council
Short Description
The IT Strategic Council (ITSC) is responsible for providing recommendations with respect to information technologies to senior executive leadership at the University of Maine, namely the President, Provost, Chief Business Officer, and Vice President for Research & Dean of the Graduate School.
ITSC provides a cross-functional group of not more than ten mid to senior-level personnel at the University who bring perspective on academic, student-related, operational, research, and administrative directions.
Current Members
- Ali Abedi, Assistant Vice President for Research; Director, Center for Undergraduate Research
- Benny Veenhof, Associate Executive Director of Business Support Services
- Clarissa Henry, Professor of Biological Sciences
- Daisy Singh, Dean of Libraries
- Emily Haddad, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (Chair)
- Gabriel Paquette, Associate Provost for Academic Affairs & Faculty Development
- Lori Schnieders, Associate Professor of Counseling, Psychology, and Community Studies (UMM)
- Nuri Emanetoglu, Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Peter Schilling, Executive Director of Innovation in Teaching & Learning
- Rusty Stough, Libra Assistant Professor of Marketing
- Thomas Drake, Director of Campus Technology (UM/UMM)
- Todd Zoroya, Lecturer of Mathematics
- Tony Llerena, Coordinator of Veteran Services
Promotion & Tenure (P&T) Advisory Committee
Short Description
The Provost’s Promotion & Tenure Advisory Committee members review promotion and tenure applications and provide the provost with advice regarding the strengths and weaknesses of each candidate as well as identify areas where additional information may be needed. The committee is advisory only and has no decision-making authority.
- Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs & Provost (Chair)
- Associate Provost for Academic Affairs and Faculty Development, ex officio
- Associate Provost for Student Success and Innovation, ex officio
- Vice President for Research and Dean of Graduate School, ex officio
- Vice President for Human Resources, ex officio
- At least four Faculty members nominated* by the Faculty Senate for 3-year terms with reappointments at the Provost’s discretion.
- Director of Academic Affairs Operations & Finance, committee staff
* The Faculty Senate Committee on Committees will put forth a slate of nominees to the Provost, who will then assign the faculty member and term.
Current Members
- John Volin, Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost (Chair)
- Gabriel Paquette, Associate Provost for Academic Affairs and Faculty Development (ex officio)
- T. Scott Marzilli, Associate Provost for Student Success and Innovation (ex officio)
- Ali Abedi, Associate Vice President for Research (ex officio)
- Nicole Lawrence, Interim Vice President of Human Resources (ex officio)
- Dianne Avery, Director of Academic Affairs Operations & Finance (staff)
- Sandra Caron, Faculty (COEHD), term ends 2022
- Rosemary Smith, Faculty (COE), term ends 2024
- Cynthia Erdley, Faculty (CLAS), term ends 2023
- Brian McGill, Faculty (NSFA), term ends 2023
- Ivan Manev, Faculty (MBS), term ends 2023
Provost’s Advisory Council on Equity (PACE)
Short Description
The Advance Initiatives Council, or AIC, was formed in March 2009 to serve as internal advisors for the ADVANCE project team at UMaine. This group was invaluable in focusing the efforts of the Rising Tide Center, particularly by supporting discussion of broader issues that affect the recruitment and retention of women faculty in all disciplines at UMaine.
The AIC evolved into the Provost’s Council on the Advancement of Women Faculty (PCAWF) in the fall of 2016, filling an advisory role to the Provost as he sought to foster a supportive and inclusive climate for all faculty at UMaine. The Director of the Rising Tide Center served as the liaison to PCAWF.
In Sept. 2019, an enhanced mission statement and new membership guidelines were developed and adopted by this council, which is now known as the Provost’s Advisory Council on Equity, or PACE. This group seeks to foster equity for all faculty, with a focus on supporting women and underrepresented minorities.
Current Members
- Ellen Weinauer, Dean of the Honors College (Chair)
- John Volin, Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs & Provost
- Nicole Lawrence, Interim Vice President for Human Resources
- Scott Delcourt, Associate Vice President for Research and Senior Associate Dean of the Graduate School
- Penny Bishop, Dean of the College of Education and Human Development
- Hannah Carter Dean of Cooperative Extension
- Mohamad Musavi, Interim Dean of the College of Engineering
- Emily Haddad, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
- Diane Rowland, Dean of the College of Natural Sciences, Forestry, and Agriculture
- Daisy Singh, Dean of Libraries
- Jason Harkins, Interim Executive Dean of Maine Business School
- Norm O’Reilly, Dean of the Graduate School of Business
- Deb Allen, Assistant Provost for Institutional Research and Assessment
- Amanda Klemmer, Assistant Professor of Landscape Ecology, Faculty Senate representative
- Amanda Paradis, ADA Coordinator
- Anila Karunakar, Director of the Multicultural Center
- Sarah Joughin, Senior Associate Director of International Programs
- Alicia Cruz-Aribe, Associate Professor of Petrology and Mineralogy, Chair of the Women in STEMM Organization
- Glenda Pereira, Assistant Extension Professor and Assistant Professor of Animal Science – Dairy Specialist
- Melissa Cuba, Assistant Professor of Special Education
- Sheila Edalatpour, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering
- Elizabeth Neiman, Associate Professor of English and Women’s Studies, Director, Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
- Kathleen Bell, Professor of Resource Economics and Policy
- Sally Molloy, Assistant Professor of Genomics
- Manuel Woersdoerfer, Assistant Professor of Management and Computing and Information Sciences
Retention & Student Success Committee
The Academic Standing Committee identifies, at the end of each semester, those students who are not making satisfactory progress and takes appropriate action. The Committee also advises the Associate Provost for Academic Affairs and Faculty Development on various matters related to undergraduate academic programs.
Undergraduate Programs Curriculum Committee (UPCC)
Short Description
Any proposal submitted to the UPCC, whether for a new offering or the modification of an existing offering, will be reviewed in its entirety to ensure compliance with all relevant university policies and union contracts. The work of the Undergraduate Program Curriculum Committee (UPCC) encompasses the following:
- New course proposals
- Course modifications, such as the addition of Gen Ed
- Modification of degree programs (i.e. majors), including name changes
- New and modified minors
- New and modified concentrations
- New and modified certificates
- Associate Provost for Academic Affairs & Faculty Development (Chair)
- Associate Provost for Student Success & Innovation, ex officio
- Head of Collections Department of Fogler Library, ex officio
- Registrar, ex officio
- One faculty representative from each of the academic colleges, nominated by their respective deans and appointed by the Provost for up to two consecutive, three-year terms.
- One ex officio representative from the Division of Lifelong Learning appointed to a three-year term.
- One ex officio representative from the University of Maine at Machias appointed to a three-year term.
Note: The voting membership will not include more than two representatives from any college, and only the faculty members of the committee have voting authority.
Current Members
- Gabriel Paquette, Associate Provost for Academic Affairs & Faculty Development
- T. Scott Marzilli, Associate Provost for Student Success & Innovation
- Ryan Weatherbee, Assessment Data Analyst
- Deborah Rollins, Head Collection Services Department, Fogler Library
- Tammy Mills, Assistant Professor of Curriculum, Assessment, and Instruction, COEHD
- W. Sam Carrell, Registrar
- Jack Campbell, Associate Registrar
- Rachel (Ellen) Smith, Coordinator of Instruction & Data Support Services, ELH
- Eisso Atzema, Lecturer in Mathematics, CLAS
- Robert Glover, Associate Professor of Political Science and Honors, Honors
- Patricia Libby, Associate Dean, DLL
- Dmitri Markovitch, Associate Professor of Marketing, MBS
- Sherrie Sprangers, Professor of Biology, UMM
- Eric Jones, Associate Professor of Botany, UMM
- Mona Therrian-Genest, Senior Lecturer and Dietetic Internship Program Director, ELH
- Barbara Cole, Professor of Chemistry, CLAS
- Sheridan Adams, Director of Instructional Design and Development Services, CITL
- Matt Graham, Associate Professor of MIS, MCEC
- Grahm Freme, Lecturer in Construction Engineering Technology, MCEC
University Teaching Council (UTC)
Short Description
The mission of the UTC is to celebrate teaching and to elevate the profile of instruction both on and off campus. The UTC will 1) advocate for instructional excellence and 2) assist the Provost in the development of mechanisms to achieve and maintain excellence.
The UTC will review issues associated with teaching, summarize relevant information, and make recommendations to the Provost for action. Examples of topics that the UTC may consider include: exploration of funding mechanisms to promote teaching, review of modalities to recognize teaching, review of resources to elevate the profile of teaching, review of curricular requirements, review of teaching evaluation instruments and uses of evaluation data. The UTC may develop short-term and long-term plans for issues affecting teaching.
The UTC shall be composed of at least four (4) faculty members and four (4) ex officio members. The Faculty Senate shall be represented by one (1) member. The Provost shall appoint all other faculty members. Appointed faculty may be of any rank, but shall have exceptional interest in teaching. Appointed individuals need not be limited to those having received awards (e.g., Distinguished Maine Professor, Presidential Teaching Award, college teaching awards).
Faculty members serve terms of four (4) years. Each year, one faculty member will rotate off the Council. At its formation, membership of the Council shall be constituted to enable this rotation. Ex officio members shall be the Associate Provost for Academic Affairs and Faculty Development, the Associate Vice President for Graduate Studies & Senior Associate Dean, the Assistant Provost for Institutional Research and Assessment, and the Executive Director of Innovation in Teaching and Learning. Ex officio members may appoint designees when appropriate.
Current Members
Gabriel Paquette, Associate Provost for Academic Affairs and Faculty Development, ex officio, co-convener
Deb Allen, Assistant Provost for Institutional Research and Assessment, ex officio
Scott Delcourt, Associate Vice President for Graduate Studies and Senior Associate Dean, ex officio
Peter Schilling, Executive Director of Innovation in Teaching and Learning, ex officio, co-convener
Melissa Ladenheim, Associate Dean, Honors College
Stephanie Burnett, Associate Professor of Horticulture
MacKenzie Stetzer, Associate Professor of Physics
Lindsay Decker, Science Reference Librarian
Stefano Tijerina, Lecturer in Management, Maine Business School
Alex Friess, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Christopher Clark, Science Reference Librarian
Liliana Herakova, Assistant Professor of Communication and Journalism
Buffie McCue-Quinn, Lecturer in Management and Marketing
Jade Hichborn, Special Assistant for Academic Affairs, council staff