Cultural Affairs Committee
Committee Function
Reporting to the President, the Cultural Affairs/Distinguished Lecture Series (CA/DLS) committee is responsible for overseeing the call for proposals and the selection of grant awards from several endowed funds, which are to be used to enhance the artistic, cultural, and intellectual life of the campus of the University of Maine and to support speaking engagements or lectures at the University of Maine at Machias. These funds include the Arthur Lord Fund and the Class of 1934 Fund (this latter in consultation with the Dean of CLAS as per the terms of the bequest).
Grant proposals are reviewed four times each academic year by the committee, with submission deadlines falling on the last Monday of September, November, January and March. Please see the Grant Application Guidelines link (above) for more details.
Committee Membership
Consisting of 12 members, the committee membership has broad representation from campus, including 7 faculty members (3 from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, 1 from the College of Engineering, 1 from the Maine Business School, 1 from the College of Natural Sciences, Forest & Agriculture, 1 from the College of Education & Human Development), 1 administrator, 1 professional staff representative, 1 classified staff representative, 1 representative graduate student representative, 1 undergraduate student representative and a representative from the University of Maine at Machias. The Dean from the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences serves as a non-voting, ex officio member of the committee.
Members are appointed by the President, based on recommendations made by the reporting unit to the committee, normally for a 3-year term. The chair of the committee, normally appointed by the President from the membership of the committee, serves a 2-year term. Term years begin on May 1st.
A quorum, consisting of a simple majority of the committee, is required to make grant decisions.
2024-25 Members
Dean of CLAS (ex officio) — Emily Haddad
Administrator — Gretchen Faulkner (Chair)
Faculty (CLAS) — Christine Beitl
Faculty (CLAS) — Andy Mauery
Faculty (CLAS) — Jennifer Moxley
Faculty (MCEC) — Xenia Rofes
Faculty (MBS) — Qiujie Zheng
Faculty (ELH) — Aaron Weiskittel
Faculty (EDHD) — Julie DellaMattera
UMM Representative — Jennifer Isherwood
Professional Staff — Sarah Joughin
Classified Staff — Michael Dunn
Graduate Student — Kelly Hoover
Undergraduate Student — Sarah Renee Ozlanski