National Poetry Foundation Books

A Catalogue of National Poetry Foundation Books 1974 to the Present

Person and Poet Collection

Begun in 1979 with Louis Zukofsky, each volume in this ongoing series offers a substantial collection of scholarly, personal, and poetic tributes to a major modern poet, critical studies of that poet’s work, and an annotated, year-by-year bibliography of critical work on the poet. With a few exceptions, the essays and other works published in these volumes are not reprints; rather, most of them were especially commissioned for the series and are not available elsewhere.

A hand drawing of a Chinese cliffside on a pink background, a cherry blossom branch peaks out from the right and reaches out into the center of the drawing.

White background with a black and white drawing of a naked woman hanging off of something

Red background and a white square on the left side of cover with abstract black and white objects flying out of it

sketched outline of an old man's face

black and white photo of two men at the mouth of an ice cave looking across the frozen tundra at a near by boat


All listed books are published under the imprint of the National Poetry Foundation can be directly ordered through the University of Maine shopping site.

NPF books are also distributed by Small Press Distribution.