Products and Publications


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Research Tools

The UMaine PERL has created a variety of materials that are available for researchers to use to help in gathering and analyzing data.

Quick download list:

Standardized Test Analysis Tools

Tools for analyzing common standardized tests

Though standardized tests are commonly given and used in assessment (e.g. in pre and post instruction evaluation to measure normalized gains in student learning), no standard tools exist for scoring the tests. We are posting our tools for general use. These are MS Excel spreadsheets, and semi-complete instructions on how to use the spreadsheets are included with the files. Download the files below to your machine for further use. Guidelines on use and distribution are included with each document.

Wave Diagnostic Test

TheWave Diagnostic Test was developed as part of Michael Wittmann’s dissertation work at the University of Maryland. It is provided here in pdf format for those interested in using it in their classrooms. Note that a fundamental part of the test is the existence of identical questions asked in both free response and multiple choice formats. Detailed data about student thinking can be found when analyzing these questions (see Michael Wittmann’s dissertation for more information).