IMPACT Maine partners with local schools, students, and families in a collaborative outreach program that supports the academic, social, and emotional well-being of Maine’s youth.

Our efforts focus in four areas:


Our outreach branch provides training for teachers and administrators, professional development opportunities, and workshops for students.

Possible topics include:

● Healthy peer relationships

● Mental health issues in schools

● Prevention of health-risk behaviors like bullying, self-harm, and suicide


Our consultation branch provides consultation for teachers, administrators, and school guidance staff regarding student mental health issues.

We can help provide information about:

● Fostering healthy peer relationships

● How mental health issues may impact school performance

● When to refer a student for additional services


Our referral branch connects educators, community leaders, youth, and families with additional resources for support.

Below is a list of just a few of our partnerships:

● Adolescent Mood Clinic (University of Maine Psychological Services Center)

● Way to Optimal Weight (Eastern Maine Medical Center)

● Penobscot Job Corps Center



Our research branch conducts projects that promote academic, social, and emotional wellbeing. We focus specifically on the roles of youth resilience, mental health, and positive peer influence.

Research opportunities include:

● STEM class field trips to tour our research lab (including hands-on activities)

● Research assistant placements for motivated high school students

● Opportunities to participate in ongoing research projects

For more information on IMPACT ME please contact:

Dr. Rebecca Schwartz-Mette


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