News Update 31 October 2014
The Boardwalk will close a couple weeks early this year – our last day open is Friday November 14th. We should have the next 48 new sections by the end of the first week in November. On November 15th we hope to start removing the next 96 sections which will take us past station 4. If the weather holds we will try to install some (or all) of the 48 sections by the end of the year. In March we should receive another 48 new sections and will install them (and any remaining new sections) in April. This is all weather dependent and might mean that we will not open on schedule May 1st 2015. We will keep you posted on progress.
As some of you know we had a case of vandalism yesterday (10/28). At about 7:15am a passing jogger saw smoke coming from our cabin front porch. He called 911 and the fire department came quickly and put out the fire. We were extremely fortunate that this jogger was passing by. Al and Nancy Larson were at the cabin and interacted with the fire department. Several hours later they also disposed of the burned wood. Phil Locke purchased the new wood needed and he and Karl with help from Justin finished making the necessary repairs. If any has information related to this act of vandalism, please contact the Bangor Police Department.
We had a very successful silent auction/potluck on October 25th. We had about 55 people in attendance and made $1995 which is one of our highest totals ever. Thanks to all who helped with the setup/take down and who solicited auction items.
On Wednesday, November 19th at 7pm we will have a meeting to discuss various ways to recruit, train, and retain Boardwalk volunteers. All are welcome. The meeting is at the Bangor Land Trust office, 8 Harlow Street (Pearl Building), Bangor. Please come prepared to offer concrete suggestions and ways to implement them.