Boardwalk Update – 4 May 2014
Boardwalk maintenance volunteers continue to work hard on Phase I construction so that we can meet our goal of opening on June 14th. If you would like to help, please visit our Volunteer page for more information.
Orono Bog Boardwalk volunteers will hold their 11th annual yard sale on Saturday, June 14th (rain date Sunday, June 15th) at 139 Main Street in Orono. This year, the money raised will go towards our capital campaign to reconstruct the Boardwalk. We are already starting to receive items for the sale. Please contact Jim Bird ((h) 866-2578 or if you have items to donate and/or if you would like to help the day of the sale. All items not sold will be donated to a variety of organizations, including Habitat for Humanity’s ReStore, Goodwill, the Orono Thrift Shop, Crossroads Ministries in Old Town, and local schools.
The Bangor Art Society (thanks to Kay Carter!) will host their annual Bangor Paint Out & Auction on Saturday, August 16th. Please see their website at The Orono Bog Boardwalk reconstruction campaign will receive 25% of the money made that day. Please spread the word!
On Saturday, September 20th there will be a 5k (or more) run in the Rolland F. Perry City Forest to raise money for our reconstruction campaign. Look for more information soon!
We will have our annual silent auction/potluck in October with all proceeds going to our reconstruction campaign.