UMaine Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

UMaine annually evaluates its performance and long-term goal progress using Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). These metrics are driven by the overarching goals laid out in UMaine’s Strategic Vision and Values Framework and the Strategic Enrollment Management Action Plan. The metrics span a variety of topic areas, including student success, research and development, outreach and engagement, innovation and economic development, and infrastructure and financial responsibility.

Click to on a topic to expand KPI metrics for UMaine and UMaine Machias (where applicable):

Strategic Vision and Values Goal 1.1: We will welcome and support all learners and engage them in experiential learning.

UMaine Student Success KPI MetricsBaseline
(Fall 2018)
(Fall 2023)
Stretch Goal
(Fall 2027)
Enrollment (Headcount)11,40411,26212,500
Enrollment (FTE)9,7509,07510,154
First-Year Retention78%77%82%
Four-Year Graduation Rate40%44%50%
Six-Year Graduation Rate60%57%62%
First-Year participation in Research Learning Experiences29%50%
Student-to-Faculty Ratio161516
% of graduates completing at least one internship(2022-2023 graduates)
(2026-2027 graduates)
% Employed or Continuing Education(2017-2018 graduates)
(2022-2023 graduates)
(2026-2027 graduates)
Average Debt per Borrower (Bachelor Degree Graduates)(2017-2018 graduates)
(2022-2023 graduates)
(2026-2027 graduates)
UMaine Machias Student Success KPI MetricsBaseline
(Fall 2018)
(Fall 2023)
Stretch Goal
(Fall 2027)
Enrollment (Headcount)675591820
Enrollment (FTE)425299535
First-Year Retention55%67%70%
Four-Year Graduation Rate14%18%25%
Six-Year Graduation Rate30%27%35%
First-Year participation in Research Learning Experiences23%50%
Student-to-Faculty Ratio121313
% of graduates completing at least one internship(2022-2023 graduates)
(2026-2027 graduates)
% Employed or Continuing Education(2022-2023 graduates)
(2026-2027 graduates)
Average Debt per Borrower (Bachelor Degree Graduates)(2017-2018 graduates)
(2022-2023 graduates)
(2026-2027 graduates)

Strategic Vision and Values Goal 1.2: We will create new knowledge and apply innovative research and scholarship to enrich lives.

UMaine Research KPI MetricsBaseline
(FY 2019)
(FY 2023)
Stretch Goal
(FY 2028)
Research Expenditures$138M $246M$253M
Research Awards ($)$79M$149M$196M
Research Awards (#)381396725
Research Proposals ($)$215M$403M$403M
Research Proposals (#)553601822
Doctoral Degrees Awarded696292
R&D Staff with Doctorates (Fall reporting)136279265

Strategic Vision and Values Goal 2.1: We will grow and advance partnerships to catalyze the cultural, economic and civic future of Maine and beyond.

UMaine Outreach & Engagement KPI MetricsBaseline
(FY 2019)
(FY 2023)
Stretch Goal
(FY 2028)
Cooperative Extension 4-H Youth Development Programming
Number of youth related activities132136Not yet determined
Number of youth served16,10010,206Not yet determined
Number of volunteers in youth-related activities1,334647Not yet determined
External Partnerships
Pending Institution-wide data collection in 2022-2023

Strategic Vision and Values Goal 1: We will support and grow Maine’s economy through new discoveries and by building a workforce whose members are engaged in their communities and prepared for lifelong success.

UMaine Innovation & Economic Development KPI MetricsBaseline
(FY 2019)
(FY 2023)
Stretch Goal
(FY 2028)
Invention Disclosures143340
Commercialization Revenue ($)$289K$497K$5M
Commercialization Teams External Funding (Cumulative $)$480K$10.3M$10M
Commercialization Teams (#)13920
Business & Industry Innovation Revenue ($)$7.2M$7.4M$14M
Business & Economic Development Partners367320400
IP-Based Spinoffs Incorporated (#)314

Strategic Vision and Values Goal 2.2: We will optimize management of our infrastructure and enhance it to support the realization of our vision.

UMaine Infrastructure and Financial Responsibility KPI MetricsBaseline
(FY 2019)
(FY 2023)
Stretch Goal
(FY 2028)
Net Operating Margin Ratio-1.70%-4.97%2%
Debt Service Coverage Ratio2.460.092
Primary Reserve Ratio0.30.320.4
Endowment per FTE Student$34,584$44,576 (FY 2022)$35,500
Alumni Giving Rate7%5.5% (FY 2022)7%