Power BI Resources

  • OIRA Dashboard Overview (Internal Reports)
  • A helpful tutorial on the layout of OIRA internal dashboard elements (accessed at https://app.powerbi.com), including page navigation, using filters, and exporting data.
  • Power BI for Consumers (UMS Help Page)
  • Do you need to view reports and dashboards to obtain data relevant for your job? Do you sometimes advise others on the types of data to display in reports? You may be a Power BI Consumer.
  • UMaine Academic Affairs Dashboard Guide 2023-24
  • This guide explains how to use the UMaine Academic Affairs dashboard as well as the college-level Academic Affairs dashboards. It explains data disclaimers, the security level, and report consumer responsibilities. It also demonstrates how to navigate pages, use filters, and exporting data to Excel.

Report Author Responsibilities

The author of a data report has the responsibility of meticulously reviewing all aspects of the data and the report to ensure validity & reliability of the report prior to publication.

No report should be published beyond an author’s department until the author has made every reasonable effort to validate the data and report, provide appropriate context, and check accessibility & aggregation guidelines for compliance with all publication considerations detailed in the checklist & flowchart (above).

Report Consumer Responsibilities

Report Authors share reports directly with Report Consumers. Report Consumers should not further disseminate reports to additional individuals or audiences unless authorized to do so.

The consumer(s) of any data report are responsible for maintaining confidentiality of data and reports that they receive. Any interpretations or findings gleaned from the author’s original, published report. Neither the author, the author’s department, nor institution may be held responsible for any misinterpretation that occurs amongst those who review and/or present the information contained in the original, published report. Derived conclusions and analyses generated from a report are the responsibility of the consumer deriving conclusions and/or deriving additional analysis.