Sea Grant

Media advance ‘Signs of the Seasons’ training

The Penobscot Bay Pilot, The Irregular, the Daily Bulldog,, The Lincoln County News and the Bangor Daily News advanced four free “Signs of the Seasons” training options for volunteer citizen scientists across the state hosted by University of Maine Cooperative Extension and Maine Sea Grant.  Find full details on the program website.

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Times Record promotes virtual Maine Fishermen’s Forum

The Times Record promoted virtual events in February, March and April that are part of the 2021 Maine Fishermen’s Forum, noting that Bridie McGreavy, an assistant professor of environmental communication at the University of Maine, is organizing it and will co-host the shellfish day discussion. The Senator George J. Mitchell Center for Sustainability Solutions and […]

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Maine’s shellfish fisheries the focus of three webinars and radio programs

Shellfish Focus Day is typically held the first day of the annual Maine Fishermen’s Forum. The event is a rare opportunity for shellfish harvesters, shellfish wardens, municipal officials, nonprofit groups, researchers and others to meet and talk about issues facing the shellfish industry and how to conduct applied shellfish research and other projects to strengthen […]

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Media advance Zydlewski talk on sturgeon

The Boothbay Register,, the Times Record and the Bangor Daily News promoted a virtual lecture by Gayle Zydlewski at 6 p.m. Jan 21 where she will share her research and general information about sturgeon in Maine. More information about this free event, which is sponsored by the Kennebec Estuary Land Trust (KELT), is online. 

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Press Herald talks with Kaczor about support for shellfish cooperative

The Portland Press Herald spoke with Keri Kaczor, a University of Maine Sea Grant professional with the Buoy Maine project, about promoting oysters from the New Meadows Shellfish Cooperative as a regional brand. The cooperative received a grant of $12,000 from Buoy Maine to develop and implement a marketing plan. 

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Maine coastal town

Buoy Maine pitch competition announces winners

Buoy Maine, a pitch competition launched by Maine Sea Grant to foster innovation and entrepreneurship that supports the state’s working waterfront and coastal communities, will fund 10 innovative projects and ideas that help better address the challenges of operating a business during the COVID-19 pandemic. Funding for the awards comes from the NOAA-National Sea Grant […]

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Wahle talks with Ellsworth American about report on lobster stocks in Maine, New England

The Ellsworth American interviewed Rick Wahle, director of the University of Maine’s Lobster Institute, about the 2020 Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission Lobster Benchmark Stock Assessment. The report, which is based on research conducted by several organizations including the Lobster Institute and UMaine’s Sea Grant program, reveals positive and negative trends in the industry, but […]

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Image of lobster boats at a working waterfront in Maine

Experts contribute to Maine’s plan for climate action

The Maine Climate Council released its four-year plan for climate action Tuesday, the same day 60-mph wind gusts were battering the state. As Council member Ivan Fernandez remarked during the public release of the report that the five hottest years in Earth’s recorded history were the last five, the temperature in a number of communities […]

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UMaine Extension co-sponsors virtual facilitation skills series starting Nov. 17

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many people are participating in and facilitating more virtual meetings. To support this shift in format, University of Maine Cooperative Extension has co-sponsored a new two-session series about building virtual facilitation skills from 10:30 a.m.–noon Nov. 17 and Dec. 1.  The workshop, hosted by University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension, will […]

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