COVID-19 media citations

Media promote Extension 4-H ‘Learn at Home’ resource

The Morning Sentinel and Kennebec Journal ( and Z107.3 promoted the University of Maine Cooperative Extension’s new 4-H online educational resource. Learn at Home, which includes activity books, videos, guides and links to additional resources, is for parents, caregivers and students to utilize during the disruption in school schedules. Activities will be featured Fridays with […]

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Media report on Extension’s farmer-to-consumer website

The Portland Press Herald reported University of Maine Cooperative Extension has picked up a digital spreadsheet of wholesale farm products available directly to consumers, and has expanded it into a website. The spreadsheet was created by Allison Lakin, owner of Lakin’s Gorges Cheese and East Forty Farm in Waldoboro, who worked with UMaine Extension to […]

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USA Today quotes Kaye in report on coronavirus pandemic, ICU bed shortage

USA Today quoted Lenard Kaye, a professor of social work and director of the University of Maine Center on Aging, in the article “Amid coronavirus pandemic, millions of older Americans live in counties with no ICU beds.” “The implications are tremendous and very troubling. Individuals are going to reach out for help in an emergency, […]

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BDN speaks with Maginnis about how to teach kids about COVID-19

The Bangor Daily News spoke with Melissa Maginnis, an assistant professor of microbiology at the University of Maine, about how she’s teaching her kids about the novel coronavirus. “We’ve seen the emergence of several of these viruses in the past couple decades, like SARS and MERS. It was predicted there would be another one that […]

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Media publish UMaine Extension release on new COVID-19 resources for farmers

Morning Ag Clips and The County published a University of Maine Cooperative Extension release on a new COVID-19 resource for farmers in partnership with the Beginning Farmer Resource Network of Maine. The resource, COVID-19 Information and Support for Maine Farmers, includes a Maine farmer survey and a collection of current federal and state resources. For […]

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Seattle Times interviews Bolton about food safety

The Seattle Times interviewed Jason Bolton, University of Maine Cooperative Extension food safety specialist and associate Extension professor, for an article about food safety during the coronavirus pandemic. The article also cited a UMaine study that concluded that distilled water was more effective than three commercial ozone and chlorine washes for cleaning fruits and vegetables. […]

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WVII covers online forum with President Ferrini-Mundy

WVII (Channel 7) covered a live online forum on March 17 centered on the University of Maine’s response to the novel coronavirus. The forum was an interactive student-focused discussion with President Joan Ferrini-Mundy and University of Maine System Chancellor Dannel Malloy. Officials say they are hopeful this is a step in the right direction as […]

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Yahoo Lifestyle cites UMaine Extension in report on long-lasting produce

Yahoo Lifestyle cited University of Maine Cooperative Extension in the article “5 fruits and vegetables that can stay fresh for months.” The article recommended keeping long-lasting fruits and vegetables on hand in addition to frozen food and pantry staples — apples, potatoes, beets, onions and carrots. Apples can keep for up to four months with […]

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WVII speaks with Rosenbaum, Rickard about social media

WVII (Channel 7) spoke with University of Maine faculty members Judith Rosenbaum, associate professor of media studies, and Laura Rickard, associate professor of risk communication, about social media in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Rosenbaum and Rickard suggest that people skip social media when looking for information about the novel coronavirus, because it is not […]

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Press Herald speaks with Hopkins for report on Maine Maple Sunday cancellations

Portland Press Herald quoted Kathryn Hopkins, an educator with University of Maine Cooperative Extension and a statewide resource for the Maine maple syrup industry, in a report on Maine Maple Sunday cancellations. The Maine Maple Producers Association is recommending that all events marking the occasion be canceled due to concerns about the novel coronavirus. It’s […]

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