
Media highlights Maine Aquaculture Distributing Mapping Manual

The Ellsworth American, Aquaculture North America, Wiscasset Newspaper, FishFocus,, Boothbay Register and Mount Desert Islander featured the Maine Aquaculture Distributing Mapping Manual, a collaborative project underway between the University of Maine School of Economics, University of Maine Cooperative Extension, Maine Aquaculture Association, Gulf of Maine Research Institute and the Island Institute that explores in […]

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Boats on the ocean

UMaine MARINE Initiative seed grant awardees announced

Three University of Maine projects have been awarded competitive seed grant funding to facilitate research collaborations across marine-related disciplines, academic units and research centers as part of the UMaine MARINE Initiative.   The purpose of this seed grant is to focus on collaborative, innovative pilot studies, with the clear intention of using this work to elevate […]

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measuring oysters

UMaine Wabanaki Center and Aquaculture Research Institute collaborate on undergraduate fellowship program

Undergraduate students from across the nation will learn about sustainable aquaculture in Maine through the lens of Indigenous science and traditional ecological knowledge in a new University of Maine initiative funded by the United States Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA). AquEOUS: Aquaculture Experiential Opportunities for Undergraduate Students, led by the […]

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UMaine Portland Gateway announces CONVERGE Maine seed grant winners

Three interdisciplinary projects focused on meeting Maine needs have been awarded competitive seed grants through University of Maine Portland Gateway to facilitate convergent research across the University of Maine System.   The grant program, CONVERGE Maine, brings together UMS experts with an interest in transdisciplinary work, developing and strengthening partnerships with other institutions and organizations […]

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Maine Aquaculture Association

New 10-year roadmap released as guide to future of Maine’s aquaculture sector

The Maine Aquaculture Roadmap, 2022–2032, a 10-year plan that proposes four major goals and identifies over $15 million in estimated resources needed to strengthen Maine’s aquaculture sector and working waterfronts over the next decade, was released Jan. 25 by Maine Sea Grant at the University of Maine and the Maine Aquaculture Association on behalf of […]

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Aquaculture Research Institute report cited in Press Herald

A Portland Press Herald article detailing the opportunities and controversies surrounding Maine aquaculture cited a 2016 industry economic impact report from the University of Maine Aquaculture Research Institute. When he spoke with the Press Herald, Sebastian Belle, director of the Maine Aquaculture Association, also noted the institute and UMaine’s Darling Marine Center as two of […]

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UMaine cited in Maine Aquaculture Association release published in Midcoast media

The Maine Aquaculture Association highlighted the University of Maine in a report published in the Boothbay Register and Wiscasset Newspaper about the organization releasing the nation’s first aquaculture occupational standards. UMaine was listed as one of the organizations that offers training for careers in aquaculture. Mainebiz also advanced the new standards from the association and […]

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Two researchers in a lab

UMaine researchers to develop enhanced fish vaccines with nanocellulose

In an effort to support Maine and the nation’s growing finfish aquaculture industry, University of Maine scientists seek to develop more effective, safe, sustainable and affordable fish vaccines using nanocellulose produced from Maine’s renewable wood pulp industry. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) awarded a team of UMaine aquaculture […]

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UMaine Extension 4-H, aquaculture research hubs offer at-home aquaponics project

University of Maine Cooperative Extension 4-H is partnering with the University of Maine Center for Cooperative Aquaculture Research and UMaine Aquaculture Research Institute to offer a 4-H At-Home Aquaponics Project, an experiential learning program for youth ages 9–18 delivered virtually from June 15 to October.  The project includes learning experiences in introductory aquaponic systems and […]

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