Signature and Emerging Areas

Sherri Mitchell to deliver 2017 Rezendes Ethics Lecture April 19

Humanitarian and lawyer Sherri Mitchell will present the 2017 John M. Rezendes Visiting Scholar in Ethics Lecture at 4 p.m. Wednesday, April 19, in Nutting Hall, Room 100. Mitchell’s lecture is titled, “The Heart of Spirit Based Change.” A reception will be held at 3:30 p.m. Mitchell was born and raised on the Penobscot Indian […]

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Emerging approaches to climate change issues focus of April 19 lecture at UMaine

“Climate Change: Scientific Evidence or Alternative ‘Facts’?” will be the focus of a an illustrated public lecture April 19 at the University of Maine by Paul Mayewski, director of UMaine’s Climate Change Institute. Mayewski will discuss the emerging approaches to the climate change issue and provide suggestions for public engagement to raise awareness. The free […]

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WWI plane flying of a field

American experience in WWI subject of April 11 lecture

The American experience in World War I will be the focus of a lecture April 11 at the University of Maine. Donald Zillman, the Edward S. Godfrey Professor of Law at the University of Maine School of Law, will talk about his 2016 book, “Living the World War: A Weekly Exploration of the American Experience […]

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Emerging climate change research focus of Hal Borns Symposium

University of Maine graduate students and faculty will make more than 60 presentations about emerging physical, chemical, social and ecological climate change research, on topics ranging from lobsters to deer ticks, at the 25th annual Harold W. Borns Jr. Symposium on April 13–14 in Wells Conference Center. The symposium’s namesake, Professor Emeritus Harold “Hal” Borns, […]

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Katie Dube

Katie Dube: Finding true self through theatre

While searching for the perfect college, Katie Dube knew she wanted to attend an institution that would allow her to pursue her love of theatre, as well as her interest in teaching English. “When I visited the University of Maine for the first time, I realized it was the first university I had been to […]

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UMaine Composites Center to receive ‘Innovator of the Year’ award

The Advanced Structures and Composites Center at the University of Maine has been selected by the Maine International Trade Center to receive the “Innovator of the Year” award. The 2017 International Trade and Investment Awards will be presented May 25 during Maine International Trade Day at the Cross Insurance Center in Bangor. The company winners […]

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RiSE Center announces FIG-MLA Program awardees

Eight University of Maine faculty members will receive 2017–18 course modification incentive grants from the Maine Center for Research in STEM Education (RiSE Center) through the Faculty Incentive Grant-Maine Learning Assistant (FIG-MLA) Program. This year’s grant recipients are: Farahad Dastoor for BIO 200: Biology of Organisms Paula Drewniany for MAT 127: Calculus II Brett Ellis […]

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Aquaculture is putting Maine on the map

With Earth’s population of more than 7,495,217,688 increasing by one person every 15 seconds, there’s an intense demand for nutritious, high-protein food. Aquaculture — the farming of aquatic plants and animals — is helping to meet the need. And it’s the fastest-growing form of food production. In Maine, innovative research is being conducted to better […]

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Eastern hemlock branch with pinecones

UMaine-led team predicts increasing decline of hemlock as winters warm

Land managers in New England and eastern New York state have a new tool to help identify eastern hemlock stands at greatest risk for rapid growth decline by evaluating stresses on the trees, including response to the hemlock woolly adelgid and changes resulting from a warming climate. Today, an estimated 26 percent of the region’s […]

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Brie Berry

Brie Berry: Ph.D. student exploring Maine’s reuse economy

University of Maine Ph.D. student Brie Berry’s interest in sustainability was sparked during the two years she spent in a rural area of the West African Republic of Mali as a Peace Corps volunteer. “I joined the Peace Corps to experience what it was like to live in another place with a very different culture,” […]

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