
FEMA News Today Previews Olsen’s Tidal Marsh Research

FEMA News Today ran a University of Maine release about Brian Olsen’s research on the restoration of tidal marshes and birds impacted by Superstorm Sandy. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service awarded Olsen, a UMaine assistant professor of biology and ecology, a $1.4 million grant to conduct a 22-month study on the recovery of birds […]

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Star Gazette Cites UMaine Hazing Study

A story in the Star Gazette about a first-year football player being hazed at Groton High School in New York included a citation of a 2008 study conducted by Elizabeth Allan and Mary Madden, then-associate professors at the University of Maine. The UMaine study indicated 47 percent of high school students who belonged to a […]

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tidal marsh

Brian Olsen Studies Superstorm Sandy’s Effects on Tidal Marshes to Target Restoration Efforts, Assist Threatened Species

The Federal Emergency Management Agency is monitoring infrastructure repair efforts around Atlantic City, New Jersey, where Superstorm Sandy killed 73 and caused billions of dollars in damage when it barreled ashore a little more than two years ago. In January, Brian Olsen, assistant professor of biology and ecology, will start gauging the restoration of tidal […]

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BDN Interviews Hornsby, Judd About ‘Historical Atlas of Maine’

University of Maine historian Richard Judd and UMaine geographer Stephen Hornsby spoke with the Bangor Daily News about the “Historical Atlas of Maine,” a new geographical and historical interpretation of the state, from the end of the last ice age to 2000. The atlas culminates a 15-year scholarly project led by UMaine researchers. Hornsby and […]

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Working Waterfront Reports on Olsen’s Superstorm Sandy, Tidal Marsh Research

The Working Waterfront published an article on tidal marsh research being conducted by Brian Olsen, an assistant professor of biology and ecology at the University of Maine. In January, Olsen will start gauging the restoration of tidal marshes and birds along the stretch of coastline impacted by the most deadly and destructive storm of the […]

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UMaine Hazing Research Cited in Baltimore Sun Report

A 2008 University of Maine study about hazing among post-secondary students was noted in the Baltimore Sun article, “Hazing at Maryland colleges includes humiliation, coercion, hospital trips.” The report cited statistics from the study that found 55 percent of college students nationwide who were involved in clubs, teams and organizations had been hazed at some […]

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Sandweiss Honored for Pioneering Archaeology Work, AP Reports

The Associated Press reported Daniel Sandweiss, an archaeologist at the University of Maine, was named a Fellow by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) for his contributions to the field. Alan Leshner, CEO and executive publisher of Science, says Sandweiss’ notable discoveries include his “pioneering interdisciplinary studies of early colonization of South […]

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UMaine Archaeologist Honored for ‘Pioneering Interdisciplinary Studies’

An international group dedicated to advancing science for the benefit of all people is honoring Daniel H. Sandweiss, an archaeologist at the University of Maine. The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) elected Sandweiss a Fellow for his distinguished contributions to archaeology. Alan Leshner, CEO and executive publisher of Science, says Sandweiss’ notable […]

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