Marine Sciences

Steneck recent guest on Maine Public’s ‘Maine Calling’

Bob Steneck, a professor in the School of Marine Sciences at the University of Maine who’s based at the Darling Marine Center, was a recent guest on Maine Public’s “Maine Calling” radio show. The show focused on the status of Maine’s lobster population, the effects of climate change and tariffs, the role of the lobsterman […]

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Extension 4-H offers Aquaponics SPIN Club

This summer, Hancock County 4-H has been collaborating with the Center for Cooperative Aquaculture (CCAR) in Franklin and the University of Maine Center for Inclusion and Disability Studies (CCIDS) to offer a 4-H Aquaponics SPIN Club to high school youth in the Franklin area. The group meets at the CCAR facility weekly to care for […]

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Princeton Review news feature

Princeton Review names UMaine as among the best 384 colleges

The Princeton Review has lauded the University of Maine in its newest guide, “The Best 384 Colleges: 2019 Edition,” focusing on UMaine’s unique combination of “extensive academic opportunities expected from a major research university, with the close-knit feel of a small college.” In the 27th annual guide, UMaine scored highest in four key measures in […]

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VillageSoup, The Free Press advance Aug. 16 clam program led by Beal

VillageSoup and The Free Press advanced a program about clams led by Brian Beal, a professor of marine ecology at the University of Maine at Machias and the director of research at the Downeast Institute. The free program focuses on the basic biology, ecology and management of soft-shell clams, and their relationship to other organisms in […]

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Marine conservation focus of UMaine alumna talk Aug. 10 at DMC

Amanda Leland, executive vice president of the Environmental Defense Fund, will give a talk titled, “Doom and gloom or ocean optimism? Marine conservation for a rapidly changing planet” at 10:30 a.m. Aug. 10 in Brooke Hall at the University of Maine Darling Marine Center. She’ll discuss how overfishing, climate change and pollution put pressure on […]

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Small-scale fisheries threatened: Shared management, communication key to success

Intertidal ecosystems and the small-scale fisheries they support are an important part of coastal economies, environments, and cultures. Globally, fisheries such as the soft-shell clams (Mya arenaria) face multiple stresses related to climate change, invasive species and unsustainable land use. In a paper published in Ocean and Coastal Management, University of Maine researchers and colleagues […]

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Media publish release on local ecological knowledge in fisheries, EurekAlert and ScienceDaily carried a University of Maine news release about a study on the role of local ecological knowledge held by Maine fishermen and how they apply it to fisheries management. The study was a collaboration between Joshua Stoll, an assistant research professor of marine policy at UMaine and cooperating scientist at the Maine Center […]

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Fishermen’s Voice interviews Stoll about recent lobster trade study

Fishermen’s Voice interviewed Joshua Stoll, an assistant research professor with the School of Marine Sciences at the University of Maine and the Mitchell Center for Sustainability Solutions, for an article about Stoll’s recent research on lobster trade. The study maps global trade routes for lobster and analyzes their effects on the relation between those who […]

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