Forestry and the Environment

Mainebiz notes UMaine part of $10 million forest management project

Mainebiz reported that the U.S. Department of Agriculture has awarded a $10 million grant to a collaborative research team from the University of Maine, the University of Georgia and lead-site Purdue University to help landowners and stakeholders better adapt their forests to increasingly complicated economic and climate conditions in the eastern U.S.

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A photo of Liza White

Liza White: Engineering new applications for paper mill products

Growing up in Rumford, Maine, Liza White learned the extent to which paper manufacturers contribute to the rural economies in which they operate. Residents would regularly say “paper is money” in relation to the mill’s importance; they would celebrate its successes and shudder when it struggled.  Changes in global demand have brought both economic uncertainty […]

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Media report on UMaine study about recruiting more women for forestry careers

The Bangor Daily News,, Canadian Biomass Magazine, Pulp and Paper Canada, Bioenergy Insight and Advanced Biofuels USA shared a University of Maine study that outlines how to recruit more women for careers in the forestry industry, particularly the bioenergy sector. The team found that attracting and retaining women in bioenergy and related-fields can be […]

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Mitchell Center to host talk about challenges in forest management Nov. 28

The Senator George J. Mitchell Center for Sustainability Solutions at the University of Maine will host a talk titled “Sustainability Is Not Enough: From Stewardship to Reciprocity” at 3 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 28. In this talk, Roger Milliken, board chair of the Baskahegan Company, discusses the conflicts between traditional forest management practices and the […]

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A photo of two women working in the Maine woods

New study outlines ways to recruit more women for bioenergy, forestry

To recruit more women for careers in the forestry industry, particularly the bioenergy sector, University of Maine researchers have devised a road map. The team, led by Abigayl “Abby” Novak, a master’s student in forest resources at the BioEnergy Lab of the School of Forest Resources (SFR), found that attracting and retaining women in bioenergy […]

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