Forestry and the Environment

Ameican beech tree

American beech dominating, abundance of maples declining due to climate-associated changes in Northeastern forests

The composition of hardwood forests in the Northeastern United States is changing significantly. In the past 30 years in forestlands in four states, climate-associated changes have increased the abundance of American beech compared to three other hardwood species commonly associated with the regional forests, according to University of Maine-led research team. The significant shift to […]

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Hemock tree

UMaine-led team discovers new hemlock species

A new species of hemlock has been identified on Ulleungdo, an island east of the Korean peninsula, which may lead to the temperate conifer being considered for conservation. The Ulleungdo hemlock (Tsuga ulleungensis) was identified by an international team led by Garth Holman, a research associate in the School of Biology and Ecology at the […]

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Maine Space Grant Consortium Graduate Research Fellowship winners announced

The University of Maine’s Center for Undergraduate Research (CUGR) and the Maine Space Grant Consortium (MSGC) have announced the 2018 MSGC Graduate Research Fellowship Award recipients. The purpose of the MSGC fellowship and scholarship programs at UMaine is to provide research opportunities to undergraduate and graduate students in aerospace technology, space science, Earth science, human […]

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Organization selling Christmas trees to benefit scholarship program

Xi Sigma Pi, the forestry honors society at the University of Maine, is holding its annual Christmas tree sale at Nutting Hall through Saturday, Dec. 9. Profits from the sale will fund scholarships for students in the School of Forest Resources and the Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Conservation Biology. Hours for the sale are […]

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Livingston, Day speak with media about Maine’s early fall foliage

WABI (Channel 5) and spoke with University of Maine researchers about the fall foliage forecast for the Northeast. Bill Livingston, an associate professor of forest resources, was interviewed by WABI on a story about the state’s first foliage report. According to the report, Maine’s trees are already beginning to change color. According to Livingston, […]

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UMaine researchers to receive USDA funds for climate adaption project with UVM

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) announced on July 19 nine grants totaling more than $8 million to study and develop new approaches for the agriculture sector to adapt to and mitigate the effects of changing environmental conditions. The funding is made possible through NIFA’s Agriculture and Food […]

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