Economic Development

University of Maine researcher serves as expert witness at Congressional hearing on supporting farmers adapting for the future

Rachel Schattman’s testimony about how farmers can mitigate and plan for climate change comes just days after a federal report showed more than half of Maine is currently experiencing moderate drought conditions that may impact this year’s harvest of key crops like wild blueberries. Washington, D.C. — A University of Maine researcher told a Congressional […]

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A photo of a group of Maine legislators at Rogers Farm

UMaine’s research, partnerships to promote housing and food security focus of visit by state policymakers and affordable housing advocates

Legislators and affordable housing developers and advocates visited the University of Maine on Friday to see how the state’s flagship university is advancing housing and food security through research, innovation and partnerships.  The daylong summit showcasing solutions to one of the state’s grand challenges was organized by UMaine and the University of Maine System in […]

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Porter awarded Honorary Life Membership by the Potato Association of America

Gregory Porter, professor of agronomy in the University of Maine School of Food and Agriculture, will receive an Honorary Life Membership from the Potato Association of America (PAA) at the organization’s annual meeting in July 2022. An Honorary Life Membership Award, the highest honor bestowed by PAA, recognizes exceptional contributions to the potato industry. Porter […]

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Media highlight UMaine wild blueberry research field 

WABI (Channel 5), News Center Maine (Channel 2), WVFX (Fox 22/ABC 7), the Penobscot Bay Pilot and Energy News Network highlighted UMaine’s new Wyman’s Wild Blueberry Research and Innovation Center, which will look at the impact that climate change, genetics, pests and diseases have on the state fruit. The researchers hope to learn advanced crop […]

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A photo of MIRTA cohort 5 participants

Fifth cohort of MIRTA accelerator teams wraps up work

Four faculty-led teams pursuing commercialization of research projects are ready for the next steps in that journey having completed the University of Maine’s 2022 MIRTA accelerator program. The teams presented their projects at a Demo Day event earlier this month, marking the conclusion of this year’s program. The 2022 MIRTA teams, the fifth cohort to […]

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Recharge News references UMaine-affiliated floating offshore wind project

In an article about the role floating wind turbine technology can play in growing the U.S. offshore wind sector, Recharge News referenced the floating offshore wind technology demonstration project being developed by the University of Maine Advanced Structures and Composites Center and New England Aqua Ventus, a joint venture of Diamond Offshore Wind, a subsidiary […]

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A photo of a researcher holding a nanocellulose container

UMaine researchers develop recyclable nanocellulose food containers

Takeout food is more popular than ever, but waste created by single-use plastic containers is environmentally harmful. University of Maine engineers have created a grease-proof, water-resistant container from recyclable cellulose nanocomposites that could be the next big thing in takeout technology. The demand for takeout, fast food and ready-made food has created an enormous plastic […]

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