Cooperative Extension

Yerxa Comments on Winter Activity and Children

Kate Yerxa from UMaine Cooperative Extension was the featured expert in a Monday WABI story about affordable ways to keep children physically active during the winter months.  Yerxa is Extension’s statewide educator for nutrition and physical activity.

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Extension Master Gardener Program Highlighted

The Jan. 2 Maine Sunday Telegram included a story describing UMaine Cooperative Extension’s Master Gardener volunteer program. Classes begin at various locations around Maine in January, February and March.  The story includes comments from Extension’s Tori Jackson, who teaches the classes in Androscoggin and Sagadahoc counties.

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Extension Expert Reports On Importance Of Winter Activity For Kids

Kate Yerxa of UMaine’s Cooperative Extension wrote about the importance of activity for kids during the winter months. Yerxa writes despite the challenges of encouraging kids to play on cold winter days when daylight is short, exercise helps keep kids’ minds sharp and ready to learn, reduces stress, and builds healthy lifestyle habits for the future.

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Master Gardener Program Set To Begin

The Morning Sentinel has a story about the UMaine Cooperative Extension’s Somerset County Master Gardener program, which begins next month. The focus this year will be on ornamental horticulture.

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UMaine Hosting Tour of State’s Dairy Industry

Contact: David Marcinkowski, 207-581-2740 or instate toll-free 1-800-287-7170; The University of Maine department of animal and veterinary science is hosting the New England Dairy Travel Course, a week-long tour of Maine dairy farms and related businesses set to begin Monday, January 3. The travel course, which will be based in Waterville, includes bus trips […]

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Tips on Keeping Kids Active this Winter

Contact: Kate Yerxa, (207) 581-3109 ORONO — As the new year arrives, many parents resolve to encourage their children be more active indoors and out, in spite of the colder, shorter days of winter. Even though it’s often a major challenge to keep children engaged in physical activity, exercise keeps kids’ minds sharp and ready […]

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Tainted Eggs Still a Threat; Expert Advice for Small-Scale Egg Producers

Contact: Anne Lichtenwalner, (207) 581-2789 ORONO — The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) implemented new egg-handling safety regulations this year for corporate producers after Salmonella enteritis (SE) outbreaks in the Midwest and the recall of millions of chicken eggs as a result. SE-contaminated eggs, however, remain a threat for any size of farm, including backyard […]

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Majka in Story on Handling Leftovers

Alan Majka, a registered dietician and UMaine Cooperative Extension faculty member, was quoted extensively in a Maine Today Media story about techniques for the safe handling of leftovers.

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Extension Educator Talks Beans

Kate Yerxa, a UMaine Cooperative Extension nutrition educator, contributed to the Bangor Daily News a story about the health benefits of beans. Yerxa says beans are a perfect way to eat healthy and inexpensively.

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Stack Quoted in Poinsettia Story

Lois Berg Stack of the UMaine Cooperative Extension faculty comments in a Maine Today Media story about the notion that poinsettias are poisonous to ingest.  While she doesn’t advise eating them, Stack agrees with other experts who call reports of the plant’s toxicity “a myth.”

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